In a recently released memo, Kenner Mayor Ben Zahn banned booster clubs from wearing or buying Nike products.

The Mayor who banned Nike products after the announcement of Colin Kaepernick 's announcement of the brand has made a comeback in order following the national attention and advice of the city lawyer.

Kenner Mayor Ben Zahn has banned the purchase of Nike products for recreational facilities in the suburbs of New Orleans a memo dated September 5th. Zahn said in a subsequent statement that he intended to "protect taxpayer money against use in a political campaign".

But Wednesday, at a news conference covered by WWL-TV in New Orleans, Zahn announced he would cancel the memorandum after talks with Kenner's lawyer. The Kenner & # 39; s Veterans Park press conference was held two days after NFL New Orleans Saints players joined dozens of people for a protest rally against Zahn's actions.

Zahn lamented Wednesday that the Sept. 5 memo "put Kenner in a false and unflattering light," but offered no excuses for its publication.

And while Zahn did not directly mention Nike's Kaepernick campaign on Wednesday, he alluded to the claim that the former NFL quarterback "sacrificed everything" by choosing to kneel on national anthem protesting police brutality.

"I am passionate about my country and the courageous men and women who put themselves on the front lines in the name of protecting everyone: our armed forces, our firefighters, our police services sacrifice everything – their very lives", said Zahn.

"It is because of these sacrifices that my patriotism will not falter, but I must focus on the city of Kenner and the many projects we have in store for our city."

Zahn's decision essentially prevented Kenner affiliated support clubs from buying Nike products for use in all of the city's recreational facilities or wearing Nike products by community staff.

Kenner Councilor Gregory Carroll described it as a "direct contradiction" with what "Kenner City should represent".

Nike's online sales rose 31 percent after the debut of the Kaepernick ads, according to a study.

Follow Josh Hafner on Twitter: @joshhafner

More: 2 players kneel for the anthem, Kaepernick tweets them to thank them

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