Nikki Haley resigns from his position as US Ambassador – live updates


Updated 9 Oct. 2018 10:35 AM EDT

Nikki Haley, US ambassador to the United Nations, has resigned, CBS News' Fin Gomez confirmed, according to a source close to the administration.

President Trump accepted his resignation, but he tweeted that a "big announcement" was coming up at 10:30.

The White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, told reporters in a statement: "President Trump and Ambassador Nikki Haley will meet at the Oval Office at 10:30 this morning" during the meeting. an event open to cameras and the press pool, representing only a handful of journalists will be present.

Axios first announced the resignation of Haley.

Haley traced her own path under the Trump administration, admitting in a recent editorial that she sometimes disapproved of the president. His editorial was a response to an anonymous editorial published in the New York Times by someone who identified himself as a senior manager of the administration. Haley's editorial said, "When I challenge the president, I do it directly, and my anonymous colleague should do it too."

"I, too, am a senior Trump administration official," wrote Haley in his editorial. "I am proud to serve in this administration and enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it takes in the country.But I do not agree with the president on everything.In case of disagreement, there is a good and a bad I take the phone and call or meet him in person. "

This is a story in development and will be updated.


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