Nintendo Switch Games and Accessories coming soon for December and January – Guide


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

The year 2018 has been a fantastic year for the Nintendo Switch. Every month we attended the presentation of new decent games, with the addition of the diabolical game Diablo III: Eternal Collection and the adorable Pokémon: Let's go, Pikachu! and let's go, Eevee! last month there is something for everyone.

So, what's up for fans of Nintendo Switch for what's left of 2018, then? We have compiled a list of all the good things that come out at retailers in December and January of next year, so treat your eyes and prepare your portfolios – it could be painful.

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The inescapable December game, Switch, is not to be debated. Worlds of play and legendary fighters collide in the ultimate showdown. Fighters, like Inkling from the Splatoon series and Ridley from the Metroid series, make their debut in the Super Smash Bros. series. alongside each hunter Super Smash Bros. from the Serie.

Ultimate allows eight players to compete in action-packed battles that involve crushing beloved video game characters. You will not want to miss that.

Fitness Boxing – December 21st (January 4th – US)

If you want to do something joyful with Joy-Con this Christmas, go for boxing fitness for your Switch. Unfortunately, the United States will have to wait until the New Year to try their luck with this one. Get out of the couch and move with fun rhythmic exercises based on boxing and punctuated by instrumental rhythms of popular artist songs. You can customize your workouts by choosing from different fitness goals. Train yourself, whether alone, with a friend, at home or on the road!

If you've never had the pleasure of playing this on the Wii U, you're crazy. New Super Mario Bros. U is one of the best Mario 2D platform actions known to man. So it's a welcome addition to Switch's ever-growing library. Luigi's new lead role in a platform adventure, New Super Luigi U, also receives luxury treatment and arrives packaged.

Take the road in a whole new adventure with the most hardcore killer otaku. Enter the world of Death Drive Mark II, then pirate and get out of his different games. Pass a Joy-Con to a friend for a local co-op, with special charge attacks. You will not want to miss this last game of the visionary director Suda51.

More awesome Nintendo Switch games

In addition to the games highlighted above, there are many more Retail games that you might enjoy in December and beyond.

Awesome accessories for your switch

We have seen a whole series of interesting accessories marketed for the Switch over the past few months, but others are about to be. Here are some tantalizing accessories coming in December and beyond, which we have found for your consideration.

So that's all for December and January – have we forgotten anything? Let us know with a comment and also tell us if you have pre-ordered any of these goodies!

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