NJ senator race up for grabs as dueling polls


Dueling polls released New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez in on the ropes or is headed for victory over GOP challenger Bob Hugin.

Menendez – who escaped corruption charges last year when a jury could not reach a verdict – lead pharmaceutical executive Hugin 43 to 37 percent, with 18 percent undecided, according to a Fairleigh Dickinson University poll.

The poll has a margin of error of 4.3 percentage points, which means the race is up for grabs.

Aimed at Quinnipiac University survey released just hours later showed the incumbent by a comfortable 53-to-42 percent margin, with only 5 percent undecided.

This poll has a margin of error of 4.1 percentage points.

On Monday, Stockton University has a population of 45 and 43%.

New Jersey has not elected a Republican to the Senate since 1972, which one pollster said

"Sen. Robert Menendez has the advantage of representing New Jersey, where there are many more Democrats than Republicans, "said Quinnipiac pollster Mary Snow.

"Also working to his advantage is that 63 percent of New Jersey voters want to be President Donald Trump. That number is even higher among women. "

Menendez – view him unfavorably.

In the Quinnipiac survey, 59 percent said he is "not honest," compared to 25 percent who felt he is.

The two-term incumbent was indicted on federal bribery charges, but the case ended in a jury hung last fall. He was accused of accepting snippets from Dr. Salomon Melgen, a Florida ophthalmologist, in return for political favors.

Menendez maintained his innocence – but the stench of sleaze remains.

He was reprimanded by a Senate ethics panel following his mistrial.

The FDU survey claimed the race is a real dogfight.

"There's no denying that this is going to be an expectation for an incumbent senator. But, as the undecided numbers show, there's still time for this candidate to capture more support, "said Krista Jenkins, director of the poll and a professor of politics at FDU.

Hugin, retired pharmaceutical executive, Celgene Corp.

A Menendez re-election victory is needed in November for the Democrats to have any shot of snatching control of the Senate from Republicans, who now have a 51-49 edge.

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