No fury, no shooting? A surprised Rod Rosenstein still has his job. For the moment.


Rod roll up

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein entered the White House Monday morning, ready to walk on the board. He was told to come back on Thursday.

Until then, Washington will be plagued by another episode of Trumpian suspense, with the future not only of Rosenstein, but also of Robert Mueller's investigation of Russia, which he is potentially overseeing.

Frequently on the wrong side of Trump, Rosenstein seemed destined to his worst after a report in the New York Times Friday on the heated debate in May 2017 after the dismissal of FBI director James Comey. The report said Rosenstein, in a meeting with other officials from the Justice Department and the FBI, had raised the possibility of secretly registering the president and invoking the 25th amendment to revoke him.

Other reports have indicated that the remark about wearing the thread was sarcastic, not serious. Rosenstein fought back with denials of history, whose wording was less than absolute. But on Friday night, in conversations with White House officials, he spoke of resignation, according to the Washington Post and the Times. He was told to restrain himself.

On Monday, when reporters gave up the resignation, Rosenstein understood that they heard the resignation and rushed there, waiting to be fired. He ended up having a phone conversation with Trump. When he left early in the afternoon, he was still employed.

"I meet Rod Rosenstein on Thursday when I come back from all these meetings, and we will meet at the White House, and we will determine what is going on," Trump told reporters in Manhattan, where he participated in the meeting. United Nations General Assembly. "We want transparency, we want to be open and I can not wait to meet Rod at that time." He did not seem angry.

Trump still has to find what version of the stories about Rosenstein he believes. Some White House officials and Republicans on Capitol Hill want Rosenstein to stay at least in the midterm elections, fearing the political turmoil that would explode if not the withdrawal of the overseer and protector of the Mueller investigation.

No judge stuffing

The charges against Judge Brett Kavanaugh have increased, she said. But the Republican leaders of Trump and the Senate remained depressed with words of indignation in favor of the Supreme Court candidate.

"For people to go out of carpentry 36 years ago and 30 years ago and never mentioned it and all of a sudden, it's totally political," Trump said. , one day after an allegation of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. from an old Yale classmate, Deborah Ramirez.

Republicans have rejected Democrats' calls for delay and investigation, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, accusing them of a "smear campaign" and promising to maintain Senate appointment "in the near future" .

Minority leader Chuck Schumer retorted, "If you really believe this is a defamation job, why do not you call an FBI investigation?

The first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, who alleges that Kavanaugh assaulted her sexually in adolescence, is scheduled to testify Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Kavanaugh will appear after her.

Kavanaugh promised, "I'm not going anywhere," and went on Fox News to challenge accounts of sexually predatory behavior during his studies. He said that he was a virgin in high school, at the university and "several years later".

Janison: As the world turns

The world has changed – at least in part, at least as Trump sees it – since the president made his first speech at the United Nations General Assembly a year ago.

Remember his denunciation of the "depraved regime in North Korea … responsible for the deaths of millions of people through starvation … and imprisonment, torture, murder and the death of the … oppression of countless others ". Or his warning that "Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for him and his diet". Trump calls him "president Kim" now, finds him "very open and formidable" and is hoping for a second summit soon.

More familiar when Trump will address the General Assembly on Tuesday will be remarks on Iran. In 2017, he warned: "We can not let a deadly regime continue these destabilizing activities while building dangerous missiles." Since then, Trump has withdrawn from the Obama era nuclear deal. See Dan Janison's column for Newsday.

Moon sees a star

Newsday's Emily Ngo on Monday met with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who held her own summit with Kim last week. Moon told Trump what he likes to hear.

"President Kim has also repeatedly expressed his unwavering confidence and expectations of you," Moon told Trump through an interpreter. "You are, indeed, the only person able to solve this problem."

CIA Director Gina Haspel gave a cautious view of the state of relations between the United States and North Korea. Pyongyang considers its nuclear weapons program as a lever and a key to the survival of its government, she added, adding, "I do not think they want to give it up easily."

However, she said that the United States is in a better place than at the unprecedented level of North Korean weapons testing last year because of the dialogue we have established between our two leaders ".

Trump in a state about Puerto Rico

Trump embarked on a tirade on Puerto Rico during a radio interview with Geraldo Rivera.

"With the mayor of San Juan as bad and as incompetent as it is, Puerto Rico should not talk about a state until they have people who really know what they are doing," said Trump. Cruz, an opponent of the state for the island, has persistently criticized Trump's response to Hurricane Maria.

The president also angrily repressed his attack on a study that estimated Maria's death toll at 2,975 and said that there was an attitude of "Trump blame for everything".

Trump's comments were criticized by Governor Ricardo Rossello, a state attorney who tried to maintain more fluid relations with the president. "Opposing a state" based on a personal feud with a local mayor, Rossello said, is "an insensitive and disrespectful comment to more than 3 million Americans living in Puerto Rico's US territory." . "

What else is going on:

  • If Rosenstein goes, the next The Solicitor General, Noel Francisco, would assume his responsibilities. But there is a potential conflict because his former law firm represented the 2016 Trump campaign, which was at the heart of Mueller's investigation in Russia.
  • Defend Kavanaugh, White House Kellyanne Conway, Senior Advisor, shot the famous Hillary Clinton line of 1998 about the Monica Lewinsky scandal. "It's starting to look like a vast left plot," said Conway on "CBS This Morning".
  • Federal judge in Los Angeles said he was bent on dismissing Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump, CNN reported. Judge S. James Otero said that Trump's April tweet, which doubted Daniels' story about a man threatening her in a Las Vegas parking lot in 2011, seemed well within the limits of freedom of expression.
  • The lawyer Daniels, Michael Avenatti, says he has a client who claims to be a victim of Kavanaugh and is preparing to take his public story by Wednesday.
  • Prosecutors in the upcoming trial John Riley, a Newsday reporter, was charged by a federal judge in Brooklyn to ban defense lawyers from referring to Trump's recent comments criticizing the use of "palms" or cooperating witnesses.
  • Geraldo Rivera asked Trump who would win if he played golf against former presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. "Trump would very easily win golf," he replied. When asked about who has the longest ride, Trump says, "Trump … these are facts … you know I like the facts."

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