"No … I would like to be president"


HIllary Clinton gave the possible hint to another presidential candidate.

Asked Friday by Kara Swisher, of Recode, about a recovery in 2020, Clinton initially said no, but the rest was more and more ambiguous.

"We're going to talk about 2020 in a minute, do you want to run again?" Swisher asked.

"No, no," said Clinton.

"It was a break …" Swisher observed.

"Well, I would like to be President, and I hope that when we have a Democrat at the Oval Office in January 2021 we will have so much work to do," Clinton said. "I mean we have confused everyone in the world, including ourselves, we have confused our friends and our enemies, they have no idea what the United States represents, what we We are likely to do, which we think is important, it would be a job for which I feel very well prepared.I have been in the Senate for eight years, diplomat at the State Department, and the work will be painful. "

When asked if she would do "anything from the lifting", Clinton pointed out that her future after the mid-term elections of November 6 is not clear.

"Oh, I have no idea, Kara, but I'm going … I'm not going to even think about it until we finish this November 6 election on what's going to happen after but I am, I will do everything in my power to make sure we have a Democrat in the White House in January 2021, "said Clinton.

Clinton lost his second race at the White House in 2016 against President Trump, despite the popular vote.

With the de facto beginning of the 2020 electoral cycle in the coming months, speculation has begun on who among the Democrats will rise to challenge Trump.

Philippe Reines, a longtime assistant to Clinton, recently said that he thought Clinton had a chance to run again. "It's somewhere between very unlikely and zero, but it's not zero," he told Politico.

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