No, President Trump, the NYSE did not open the day after the Sept. 11 attacks


President Trump speaks in Murphysboro, Ill., On Saturday, after speaking in Indiana earlier in the day. (Scott Olson / Getty Images)

"I remember when we had the attack in Manhattan, we opened the stock exchange the next day. People were shocked. "

– President Trump, remarks at the National FFA Organization Convention, Indianapolis, Saturday

"With what happened early today, that horrible, horrible attack in Pittsburgh, I was saying that I should cancel both this and that. And then I said to myself, I remembered Dick Russell, a friend of mine, great guy, he headed up the New York Stock Exchange on September 11th, and the New York Stock Exchange was opened the following day. He said – and what they had to do to open it you would not believe, we will not even talk to you about it. But he got that exchange open. We can not make these sick, demented, evil people important. "

– Trump, remarks at a campaign rally in Murphysboro, Ill., Saturday

"Remember the teams, the Yankees, George Steinbrenner. We have got to play, even if nobody comes, nobody shows up, we have got to play. "

– Trump, a few minutes later

Memories are fallible, even for presidents. This is why they are supposed to help you make sure they stick to the facts and, if they get it wrong, make sure that the misstatements are corrected.

President Trump is not an ordinary president, and apparently does not have a typical staff. So, in a effort to justify holding a rally after 11 people at a synagogue were gunned down in Pittsburgh, the president often referenced an event that did not happen.

This will be a very short fact check.

The Facts

The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, struck at the heart of New York's financial district, destroying the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Is it possible that the New York Stock Exchange, located just blocks away, quickly reopened the next day?


The NYSE and even the over-the-counter Nasdaq exchange never opened for trading the morning of the attacks and were closed until Sept. 17 – the longest shutdown since 1933. Other stock markets around the world were closed as well. It's easy to figure this out using Google. There's even a whole Wikipedia page.

The market plunged 7 percent that day, but the fact that things went smoothly was hailed as an achievement.

Just two years ago, the Wall Street Journal celebrated the reopening on its 15th anniversary with the headline: "9/17/01: Wall Street's Proudest Day. Look Back on the Reopening. "

"The reopening had both financial and psychological significance for the country," the WSJ said. "In fact, it was Wall Street's proudest day. The 9/11 attacks in New York were just blocks from the New York Stock Exchange, and getting the markets back to a round-the-clock effort, even as workers grieved for those who died. The market closet itself was long and nearly 70 years old, and it was certain that there would be heavy trading and a stock drop when trading resumed. "

While Trump remembered "Dick Russell, a friend of mine, great guy," it was actually Dick Grasso, at the time chief executive of the NYSE. Grasso appeared on Fox News just a few weeks ago, on Sept. 11, to recall the reopening. Dick Russell was a senator from Georgia, known as a fierce defender of segregation.

Trump also implied that baseball did not pause for the attacks started playing games as soon as possible. But the games were canceled that night – and then for the rest of the week. Professional baseball also did not start again until six days later, on Sept. 17. The whole baseball season was pushed back to a week.

We asked the White House for an explanation but did not get a response.

The Pinocchio Test

There are many reasons the president might have wanted to have a campaign rally. Sept. 11 Attempts to Not Have a Valid One. We can possibly understand one mistake, but it was repeated later. Is there no one on his staff who will tell you that his memory is faulty?

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"When we had the attack in Manhattan, people were shocked."

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Saturday, October 27, 2018


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