No, the lunar eclipse does not signal an incoming apocalypse


On July 27, the moon will shine orange across much of the world in the longest lunar eclipse of this century.

If the internet is to believe, this magnificent show is also the sign of an impending apocalypse. A burst of headlines – mostly British tabloids – asks if the end of days is really on us.

"The moon of blood" will bring the end of the world "while astronomers will benefit from the longest lunar eclipse of this century," proclaimed Mirror. "The Prophecy of the Moon of Blood: The Bible of Fears predicts the end of the world in WEEKS", read the Daily Star.

The publications variously claim that conspiracy theorists take the blood moon as a sign of an incoming apocalypse. The biblical verses of the Book of Joel and the Book of Revelation seem to predict that a glowing moon of blood will accompany an end of the coming days.

Joel reads: "The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord." The Apocalypse says, "I looked, when he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as a sack of hair, and the moon became like blood. "

A number of articles focus on the work of Christian evangelist and peddler of end-of-day prophecies Irvin Baxter. The apocalyptic preacher is the face of EndTime Ministries, whose broadcasts and magazine are devoted to unraveling the strangest parts of Christian texts.

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But even Baxter – who claims to have predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall – does not seem to think that the blood moon is something to be feared.

In a video released Jan. 31, date of a previous moon-cum-supermoon, EndTime Ministries program of the late ages called for predicting the future on the basis of celestial bodies "a sin" that should not be used to predict the end of days. Divination, whether through clairvoyance, astrology, witchcraft, tarot cards, necromancy or spells, should be avoided.

6_26_Blood moon A blood moon is in the sky above Merritt Island, Florida. NASA

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the shadow of the Earth. The light traveling through the atmosphere of our planet casts an incredible reddish glow on the face of our rocky friend.

Read more: Will the moon really shine in green tonight?

The July eclipse will be visible from regions including Europe, Asia and parts of South America. Unfortunately, sky observers in the United States will have to settle for online feeds of the beautiful event.

Americans will have to wait until January 21, 2019 to see a total lunar eclipse, reports

Baxter, in the meantime, would probably prefer that you focus on the true prophecies of the Bible – that the UN's condemnation of the Israeli settlements was the first step towards the battle of Armageddon, and that The election of Donald Trump would save the United States from governing a world ruled by the Antichrist. "

"How can we be so sure?" Baxter's website said, "Because the Bible prophesies that it is the fate of the United States, and that prophecies always come true!"

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