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Every week of the season, we go through the Eagles Media Guide and find an interesting nugget about a player.

This week we spoke with linebacker / special teams Kamu Grugier-Hill.

The media guide presents his favorite TV show in ABC's "Shark Tank" category. (Shark Tank is a show in which entrepreneurs bring their growing businesses to seek investments from a group of renowned investors, or "sharks" as they are called to the show.)

DZ: It is said that your favorite TV show is Shark Tank.

KGH: C & # 39; was. I stopped watching him.

DZ: OK, well I want to have a Shark Tank conversation.

KGH: OK, let's talk with Shark Tank.

DZ: If you went there – you do not have to tell me your idea of ​​the Shark Tank, I know it's a property – but if you had an idea, in what area would it be?

KGH: You see, if I had an idea, I would not be here, my friend. I would be on Shark Tank to earn billions.

DZ: That's good, but I know you're thinking of ideas.

KGH: I always think about the little things and I find it so cool that people come here with the smallest thing, for example, how did nobody think about that?

DZ: I had one.

KGH: What was it?

DZ: But then I discovered that …

KGH: What is it already done?

DZ: It was before they had the washer and dryer in one. You know how they have [that]? I thought, for example, if you had a washer over a dryer.

KGH: And then it falls?

DZ: And then it falls, like a secret door.

KGH: Dude, that would be pretty sick.

DZ: Yeah, but they do not need that because they have 2 in 1.

KGH: Do they have 2 in 1?

DZ: (Shot down) Yeah.

KGH: Sensational. This changes the game.

DZ: If you were up there and had an idea, which shark would you like …

KGH: Mark Cuban!

DZ: For sure?

KGH: Fingers in the nose.

DZ: Why?

KGH: Because the guy knows what he's doing. He just … I do not know. Every time I look at him, he's just … he takes his time. And first of all, he has more money than all of them combined.

DZ: Yeah, he's loaded.

KGH: Yes, he's loaded, so he knows what he's talking about, one. Two, he always has the best ideas. It's not just about jumping on stupid things.

DZ: Would you be a tough negotiator?

KGH: Me? I do not know, I feel pretty easy to get. Like, sold You've got me! & # 39;

DZ: First offer?

KGH: Yes, first offer. You got it. I've always loved … how does she call again?

DZ: Which? They had the lady with short hair …

KGH: No.

DZ: The lady with long hair …

KGH: Yes.

DZ: Ummm … they call it, like, the QVC queen.

KGH: Yes!

DZ: Uhhh wait … let me know. (Begins to check the phone.)

KGH: Do not tell me yet. Let me understand. When you say it, I'll know it exactly too.

Reuben Frank: I have it.

DZ: Yeah? What is it?

Roob: Uh, Lori …

DZ & KGH: (In unison) Lori !!!

KGH: Lori what?

Roob: Greiner.

KGH: I love it. I just love it. I think she's … I just like her.

Roob: It seems that Cuban is the type who really listens instead of trying to be smart.

KGH: That's what I said.

DZ: Yes, he treats it like a real business.

KGH: He is so serious. That's what I mean.

Roob: Others are looking for reasons to shoot something down. He's looking for a reason to make something work.

DZ: You do not look at him anymore?

KGH: Nah. But during the season, I do not watch much television.

DZ: I got you. Agreement guy. Thank you.

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