Nobody has ever seen a moonmoon but internet already loves them


Earth, moon and sun, work of art

Why can not our moon have its own moon?

Scientific photo library – ANDRZEJ WOJCICKI

Scientists are studying the possibility that a smaller moon will circle a larger moon and that really adorable names are being launched.

One name is "moonmoon", according to New Scientist.

No moon known to have a moon, but Sean Raymond and Juna Kollmeier, astronomers working on paper entitled "Can moons have moons?" argue that the existence of such a moon is possible if the conditions are met.

For example, the moon should not be too small or too close to the host planet. These factors could destabilize its orbit due to tidal forces and, as a result, cause the moon to collide with host planets or possibly be "suppressed". Theoretically, any of Saturn's moons (Titan and Iapetus), Jupiter's moon Callisto or even our own moon could have a moonmoon, astronomers wrote.

Raymond and Kollmeier call this hypothetical moon "submoon" in the newspaper. Other scientists exploring the same topic have called it "moon-moon".

These names are only two other suggestions. Other possible names include "moonlet", "moonito", "moonette" and "grandmoon".

The International Astronomical Union decide on its final name, but netizens are already having fun with "moonmoon".

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