Non-exchange clause in Giants' contract QB Eli Manning: was he anticipating this moment?


Eli Manning controls his own destiny.

At least as far as the NFL market is concerned.

The last negotiation of the Manning contract was concluded for four years and $ 84 million in September 2015. This extension would have taken longer than expected because his party wanted a non-exchange clause that initially was an obstacle to the Giants, but was eventually included in the team. offer.

Was the possibility now before him – the Giants are between 1 and 6 years old in the third year of his four-year contract and a change of focus from the organization to the future – in his mind at the time?

"No," said Manning at the request of NJ Advance Media. "It's an agent thing, I guess."

The Giants traded two defensive starters – cornerback Eli Apple and defensive tackle Damon Harrison – against draft picks in the two days since their fourth straight defeat.

During his 15-year career in the NFL, Manning, 37, has never turned the page of the future.

"You continue," said Manning. "When you're having a controversy or something is going on, it's about keeping the team close and coming together, people will say outside, let's prove it wrong and go out for to win a football match. "

Then the Redskins at 1 pm. Sunday.

The things that Manning can not prevent is that the Giants decide to overthrow him this season or release him before the next season, which would save $ 17 million in salary cap, compared to only $ 6 million. dollars of dead money.

Is he worried about not being part of the future plan?

"My goal and my concern is Washington," said Manning, "and I'm ready to play every game this season."

At the time of his extension, Manning made it clear that he never wanted to wear another uniform.

"That's where I started and I want to finish," he said in September 2015. "I still have the same mentality, my goal is to win this contract, do my best and continue trying to win championships for the Giants … Few people come on a team and play for a long time or, hopefully, their entire career. "

Manning is 34-52 years old as a starter since the Giants won the Super Bowl XLVI in February 2012. He still can not imagine going anywhere, despite all the rumors linking him to the Jaguars.

Manning said that no one among the giants had not mentioned to him an exchange opportunity.

"It's not something I think about," says Manning. "I'm thinking of playing for the Giants this week against the Washington Redskins, and I did not think of another scenario."

You can contact Ryan Dunleavy at the following address: [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @rydunleavy. Find our coverage of giants on Facebook.

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