Norm Macdonald says he used "Down Syndrome" to describe stupidity


Norm Macdonald may want to consider the art of STFU.

The 58-year-old actor plunged into an even deeper hole in "The View" on Thursday when he tried to clarify Wednesday's comment to Howard Stern that "you need to have Down's Syndrome to not be sorry" for the victims of sexual intercourse. abuse.

"There was a word we all said he meant stupid that we did not say anymore, right?" Explained Macdonald on "The View".

He added, "And stupidly, I was about to pronounce that word and I stopped and said," What is the right word to say? And then I said a different word that was just as offensive.

Macdonald was probably trying to avoid pronouncing the word "delayed". It is a dehumanizing word that Special Olympics and Best Buddies International consider hate speech. According to their joint campaign, "Get the message out," it only reinforces the painful stereotypes that people with intellectual disabilities are less valued members of humanity.

Macdonald's comments on "The View" suggest that he used the term "Down syndrome" in the same sense.

The former presenter of the Saturday Night Live weekend had a whole week to put his foot in his mouth.

On Tuesday, the Hollywood Reporter published an interview in which Macdonald made several controversial statements, prompting "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" to cancel his scheduled appearance Tuesday night.

In discussing his friends Louis CK and Roseanne Barr, whose career has been tainted by their sexual misconduct and racist remarks, respectively, Macdonald told THR: "There are very few people who have ever experienced what is wrong. they lost everything in a day.

"Of course, people will go," And the victims? "But you know what? The victims did not have to go through that, "said Macdonald.

Many believed that Macdonald suggested that the reaction to Barr and Louis C.K. was worse than the sexual abuse itself. Prior to this statement, Macdonald also spoke at length about THR about the Me Too movement and Chris Hardwick, whose ex-girlfriend had accused him of sexual assault, expressing his sympathy for Hardwick.

After post an apology on TwitterMacdonald went to Stern's radio show to clarify his interview on THR, but things got worse. "You should have Down syndrome to not be sorry" for these victims, he said.

Macdonald explained on "The View" that he had told THR to have Louis CK call Barr after she was fired from ABC because they had both experienced a huge public backlash .

According to Macdonald, the journalist then asked him: "And the victims? And I said: the victims did not go through there. I was talking about this particular event, "he said. "Of course, the victims have gone through worse than that, but – I'm going to ask a victim to call Roseanne?"

"It's a good clarification," said Joy Behard.

Too bad the one regarding Down syndrome was not.

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