Norm Macdonald thinks I will drive too much to a celebrity by "putting a gun in his head"


The comedian Norm Macdonald has quite daring opinions on the current state of the culture.

Former "Saturday Night Live" cast member, who was fired from his Weekend Update presenter position in 1998, spoke on Tuesday with the Hollywood Reporter about his new Netflix talk show, "Norm Macdonald." Has a Show "; the Me Too movement; and how Chris Hardwick and some of his famous friends, like Roseanne Barr and Louis C.K., have been treated unfairly.

"I'm happy that the #MeToo movement has slowed down a bit," Macdonald told THR, after criticizing both left and right. "In the past, a hundred women can not lie." And then he became, "A woman can not lie." And it became "I believe in all women. What? "This guy from Chris Hardwick, I really thought I had the end of the race over there."

Macdonald went on to say that society was more tolerant, but "now she admits the wrongdoing and you're done. And so, the only way to survive is to deny, deny, deny.

The 58-year-old comic does not think it's healthy.

"I think at some point, a completely innocent person will put his gun in his head and end his life," Macdonald said. "That's my guess. I know some people to whom this happened.

Although he did not name anyone to consider committing suicide, he mentioned his friends Barr, who gave Macdonald his debut as an author on the original "Roseanne", and Louis CK, a close friend who wrote the book of Macdonald, Based on a true story.

Macdonald said Barr was "just so broken and that he was crying constantly" after being fired from ABC for calling former Barack Obama advisor, Valerie Jarrett, a "monkey" in a tweet that Macdonald had decided on a New York Times talk, to call him.

The two disgraced comedians had a good conversation, according to Macdonald. They advised that only a person having, as he said, "all his work erased in one day" would understand.

"There are very few people who have experienced what they've lost all in a day," Macdonald said. "Of course, people will go," And the victims? "But you know what? The victims did not have to go through there. "

To read Macdonald's interview in its entirety, which also includes reviews of Netflix's "Nanette" (which Macdonald admits he did not watch) by comedian Hannah Gadsby, read it here.

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