Norm Macdonald wants us to feel bad for Louis C.K and Roseanne Barr


"There are very few people who have experienced what they've lost all in a day."

It's Norm Macdonald who speaks to The Hollywood Reporter. He apparently urged the disgrace Louis C.K to call Roseanne Barr after a racist tweet made him lose his job (and the respect of many of his fans). Macdonald thought the two would have a lot to say.

"They both said they had a good conversation and they just gave you advice that you could give each other, there would be no way to understand this advice, because who has already lived such a thing, all life is erased in a single day, a moment, "he said.

Macdonald also thinks of the path of forgiveness for people like C.K. and Barr is broken. He "had the habit of admitting wrongdoing, showing complete contrition, then giving you a second chance," he said. "Now you have to admit that you have committed wrongdoing and that you have finished.The only way to survive is to deny, deny, deny.It is not healthy – that it doesn? there is no forgiveness. "

Let's pump the brakes for a moment.

The fall of C.K.'s grace occurred after several individuals presented themselves as a sexual predator. The sexual tendencies of the actor have been the subject of private conversations for several years. Finally, thanks in large part to #MeToo, which inspired brave women all over the world to share their stories, the truth came out.

The statement that the comedian published about the revelations ended with this: "I have spent my long and fortunate career talking and saying everything I want." I will now take a step back and take a lot time to listen. " (He has not really stepped back all this time, but it's a story for another day.)

Nobody pursued it, stopped it, or took anything tangible. He always owns what we know. He always has money, a house, a family and possibly a bankable name. Not exactly without resources, Norm.

Then there is Barr. The biggest surprise about this incident was that anyone was really surprised. She has long shared provocative images and questionable views on social media. She married the conspiracy theories and once disguised as Adolf Hitler for a magazine. (It was an entire thing.)

Despite all this history, Barr again managed to get his old sitcom, Roseanne, relaunched by ABC. It took an overtly racist remark and a huge outcry in social media for the universe to finally tell him that bad behavior has consequences.

And even. Barr still has his money. She still has her husband and family. She has more property than you can imagine. She lost her job because she was openly and publicly racist. It is a just punishment, which most of us would face in similar circumstances. But Barr certainly did not lose "everything".

There is nothing wrong with Macdonald watching his friends. But this bloody story of bullshit, where we are supposed to feel sorry that these people lost a small part of their livelihoods because they both acted like nonsense, is surprisingly deaf in tone.

With regard to forgiveness: In relative terms, these two disgrace very public just come. The story of C.K. was released late 2017. Barr took place in May. All this has happened in a state of considerable cultural upheaval, when significant and global changes occur in real time.

It may not be the best time to get up and try to make us feel bad for the sexual predator who lost his job and the racist who lost his job.

Again, Macdonald may be overly asked to compose it, since it is on #MeToo. As he said THR:

"I'm happy that the #MeToo movement has slowed down a bit, and before that, 100 women can not lie." And then it became: "A woman can not lie". And that became "I believe all women". And then you're like "What?" Like this guy from Chris Hardwick, I really thought I had the round tip of the stick. "

For the record, #MeToo has not slowed down in the least. Also, for all to be clear: "Believe in all women" does not mean that every charge of sexual misconduct is automatically true. This means that when such accusations arise, we must listen, investigate and arrive at the truth instead of passing them under the carpet with some justification, as has been the norm for too long.

So keep this noise for you, Norm. Comfort your friends all you want, but let's be clear: they have what they deserve. Not even close, some would say.

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