Norovirus determined as a cause of illness at summer camp in Highlands County



Norovirus was found as the cause of diseases that sent dozens of children and adults to the hospital last week, said the Florida Health Department of Highlands County.

Thirty-six people were disgusted at Camp Cloverleaf last Thursday after swimming in a nearby lake.

Previous story: 33 children and 3 adults treated, hospitalized for illness at Lake Placid Camp 4H

Norovirus is a highly contagious gastrointestinal disease that is easily exchanged from one person to another, according to the FDOH. It can spread quickly in closed environments, such as a summer camp. People can become sick from eating or drinking contaminated food or liquids, touching surfaces or objects contaminated with the virus, then putting their hands in their mouths or in direct contact with an infected person.

The most common symptoms are diarrhea, nausea and gastric pain. Most people with norovirus recover in 1 to 3 days, said FDOH.

"Our epidemiology team has informed health departments in the counties of all campers, and proper follow-up will be done," said Mary Kay Burns, a health officer from Highlands County. "Camp officials have already started the camp disinfection process, and a new inspection will be done once the cleanup is complete. We will also provide information on good handwashing and food preparation techniques to avoid new incidents. "

There were five children from Palm Beach County who were at the camp during the outbreak, and two of them became ill, according to officials. Other tests are being done on these children.

More water tests were done as a precaution and came back negative for any bacteria "causing disease".

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This report was originally published on CBS12.

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