North Dakota women could buy marijuana-infused "inserts" to relieve menstrual pain if leisure measure passes


If residents of North Dakota vote for the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes next month, women in this state could buy an unusual item to relieve menstrual pain: infused cannabis inserts.

A company called Foria, which manufactures cannabis-infused inserts or vaginal suppositories, could sell the product in the state if the measure is passed, reported KVLY-TV.

Stephanie Carlson, a resident of Park River, told the new station that she was willing to try the product, stating that she would be the first person to buy it.


"I just want to be able to have this week a month so I do not get stuck in pain. I want to be functional, "said Carlson.

Foria, which, according to KVLY-News, is already selling its products in states such as Colorado and California where recreational marijuana has been legalized, says on its website that vaginal suppositories are "specifically formulated to relieve menstrual pain ".

The product, called "Foria Relief", "offers the soothing benefits of full-spectrum cannabis directly to the area that needs it most – usually with little or no psychoactive effects," the company added.

Vaginal suppositories are made with 60 mg of THC and 10 of CBD. When smoked or ingested, the old cannabinoid provides you with a "high" effect, while the latter, another cannabinoid present in marijuana, has no psychoactive effects.

Once inserted, the compounds "activate certain cannabinoid receptors in the pelvic area," Foria explains on her website, adding that "cannabinoids have a direct impact on the immune system and the nerve endings of the uterus, the cervix, ovaries and surrounding smooth muscle tissue ". soothe the pain.

The company says that most users "do not report having a high psychoactive effect when taking Foria Relief vaginally or rectally," but noted that those who use the product will have a positive test for cannabis during the drug testing.

Some users report feeling relief from cramps and other rule-related side effects after about eight minutes, reported Women's Day in 2016.

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"On a monthly basis, I do not just have a day of pain, but two days of pain – it can be anywhere from five to ten days of extreme pain," Carlson told the chain of TV.

"If legalization should happen, women like her, women like me, women like you, everyone, all women can have the opportunity not to suffer," she added.

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