North Korea believes nuclear production will increase


U.S. According to a report, North Korea has "cheated" the United States, claiming that the Hermit Kingdom backed the production of nuclear weapons on "several secret sites" in recent months, according to a report.

Officials from the CIA and other intelligence agencies told NBC News that the regime has increased its production of enriched uranium for weapons, despite the historic high that was held at Earlier this month between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Trump. Kim and Trump both signed a document on June 12 stating that Pyongyang would work towards "the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula."

Trump said that he would end joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea.

The authorities felt that North Korea "is positioning itself to pull all possible concessions from the Trump administration – while clinging to the nuclear weapons that it regards as essential to survival", reported the NBC News. The missile tests, but "there is no evidence that they are decreasing stocks, or that they have stopped their production."

"There is absolutely unequivocal evidence that they are trying to deceive the United States," said the official. it would end joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea.

"There are many things we know that North Korea has been trying to hide for a long time," The report said North Korea had "at least one undeclared facility to enrich nuclear fuel" in more than Yongbyon, the main nuclear site.

Joel Wit, a former diplomat who helped the United States negotiate with North Korea. a nuclear agreement between the United States and the regime in 1994, said that the United States believed that the rogue regime had two sites to "enrich nuclear fuel" including Yongbyon and another, but the name of the center n & # 39, was not revealed.

Officials said that "the assessment concludes that there is more than one secret site", but Kim will admit it?

"That's why people want North Korea's Bruce Klingner, a former CIA analyst, said:" The observed activity seems inconsistent with North Korea's intention of Abandon its nuclear weapons programs. "

"There seems to be little reason for continuing plans for expansion If the regime had the intention of dismantling them as would require a denuclearization agreement," he continued.

However, a senior official pointed out that, despite the assessment, the talks between the United States and North Korea were positive and Kim's decision A major missile test site and suspension nuclear and missile tests are a step forward. The official pointed out that intelligence analysts firmly believed that the rogue regime was trying to deceive the United States

"The work is underway to fool us about the number of installations, the number of weapons , the number of missiles ". "We are watching closely."

The assessment comes a few days after a report from 38 North, a website specializing in rogue nation analysis, which stated that North Korea was making improvements to the facility from Yongbyon.

Trump emphasized the point of "total denuclearization", while noting that "he has already begun to take place."

Fox News' Benjamin Brown and Edmund DeMarche contributed to this report.

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