North Korea Kim agrees to dismantle main nuclear site if US also takes action


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SEOUL, South Korea – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un plans to shut down his country's nuclear complex, end missile testing and halt hostile acts against South Korea as part of a new deal unveiled Wednesday.

The pact unveiled at a joint press conference held at the conclusion of a two-day meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Pyongyang also provides for countries to host the Olympics. from summer to 2032.

"We have adopted a military agreement to put an end to the history of the tragic confrontation and the history of hostility once and for all and we have promised to work hard to make the Korean peninsula a liberated land of peace. nuclear weapons and nuclear threats, "he says, standing next to Moon.

The big questions weigh on the announcement.

While the agreement marked the first time Kim had stated his intentions regarding denuclearization, it was difficult to know exactly how he would achieve it.

The closure of the Yongbyon facilities in the North would occur with the hope that the United States would honor reciprocal measures, Moon said.

The authorities said the announcement by the United States, North Korea and South Korea to formally end the Korean War would be the main one.

North Korea called for a declaration officially ending the Korean War, but the conflict – which ended with an armistice in 1953 – is not specifically mentioned in the agreement.

South Korea and the United States have also promised to halt large-scale joint military training on the peninsula, Moon said.

Other initiatives in Washington, including Pyongyang's pledge to provide a list of northern nuclear facilities and a phased schedule to allow international inspectors to assess the country's progress, were not included in the pact.

Although not at the meeting, the presence of Donald Trump was felt during the debates. After starting insulting the presidency with Kim and fearing an open conflict, Trump later met Kim and oversaw a reduction in tensions.

Trump maintained that he has a solid relationship with the northern leader, although a follow-up summit of their June meeting in Singapore is yet to be announced.

Kim thanked Moon on Tuesday for launching the June summit with Trump.

"It is not enough to say that it was Moon's efforts that organized a historic North-North American summit, which is why the regional political situation has stabilized and further progress is expected." said Kim. Pool reports from Pyeongyang Press Corp.

Moon responded by expressing her own thanks to Kim for taking a "bold decision" in the New Year's speech to open a new era of relaxation and send a delegation to the South Korean Winter Olympics in February.

The statement, signed by the defense chiefs of both countries, also mentioned concrete measures to reduce tensions at the Korean border.

Image: Two women climb a staircase with the image of a unified Korea
Two women climb a staircase with a picture of unified Korea in Seoul on Tuesday.Ed Jones / AFP – Getty Images

A buffer zone along their land and sea borders would be established to reduce tension and help prevent accidental clashes. They also agreed to remove 11 guard posts from the demilitarized zone by December and to establish a no-fly zone over the military dividing line that cuts across the two Koreas that will apply to aircraft, helicopters and drones.

The two leaders also acknowledged that the role of international officials, including the United States, had played a role in promoting peace negotiations.

As a mediator, Moon can use the agreement to advance discussions with Trump on US-North relations, which have lost momentum. A South Korean presidential official told NBC News that Moon and Kim had planned to meet with Trump next week at the US General Assembly in New York.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham issued a caution note on Tuesday when he tweeted that South Korea's visit to the North "would undermine the efforts of US officials working" to exert maximum pressure on the regime. north Korea ".

The senator has not made progress towards denuclearization despite the end of tests on missiles and nuclear devices. "South Korea should not be played by Kim Jong Un."

The professor of international relations at the Busan National University in Busan, Korea, also warned that a peace agreement ending the war between the two countries is still far away and that Wednesday's agreement is a "small step" to maintain negotiations with the United States.

"It's a benchmark for progress," he said. "North Koreans will ask much more before giving up nuclear and missiles."

It is unlikely that future meetings between presidents will lead to significant progress in the process, as neither party wants to appear as if they are receding, especially at summits under high surveillance, said Kelly.

The agreement helps Kim improve his global image before other meetings.

"It's good for him, it normalizes him, it makes him look like a true statesman. It makes him look like a real world leader, "said Kelly.

Stella Kim brought back from Seoul; Linda Givetash from London.

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