North Korea's satellite images show missile factory construction, analysts say


Satellite images, taken by Planet Labs Inc. of San Francisco and analyzed by researchers at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) in Monterrey, show the construction of Pyongyang at the Chemical Material Institute, Researchers David Schmerler, associate researcher at MIIS, said the Chemical Material Institute is known to manufacture carbon composite parts for solid fuel missiles such as nozzles, cells and rocket noses used in reentry vehicles.

"The Chemical Materials Institute seems to have a unique function, which is to pump parts for its missile program," Schmerler said.

Kim was shown watching a description of a factory artist in August 2017, after North Korea tested two intercontinental ballistic missiles. That same month, he also threatened the US territory of Guam.

The majority of the factory was built in May, after Kim's summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in but before Kim meets Trump, said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the non-profit program proliferation from East Asia to MIIS. published last year by the North Korean state media showing Kim inspecting the installation of an artist. "data-src-mini =" // "data-src-xsmall =" / / "data-src-small =" http: //cdn.cnn. -kim-jong-a-chemical-materilas-institute-ex-large-169.jpg "data-src-large =" // materilas-institute-super-169.jpg "data-src-full16x9 =" // "data-src-mini1x1 =" // "data-demand-load =" not -loaded "data-eq-pts =" mini: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, large: 781 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0LGODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAA P /////// wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAQAAkAAAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/>

Solid fuel missiles have significant advantages over their liquid fuel counterparts because they are easier to store and move because solid fuels are less volatile than liquids . .

Long-range ballistic missiles can be used to deliver a miniaturized nuclear warhead thousands of kilometers away.

The North Korean missiles tested in 2017 with intercontinental range were liquid fuel missiles, but Pyongyang successfully tested a solid fuel reactor. missile would have a range of between 1,200 and 2,000 kilometers.

In her annual New Year speech, Kim also ordered the ballistic missile and nuclear weapons research sectors to mass-produce.

Since then, the young North Korean leader has made diplomatic representations, met with world leaders and brandished his image as a world statesman.

Kim has always said that he is ready to denuclearize, but long-time North Korean observers fear that Pyongyang and Washington have very different definitions of denuclearization.

"Kim never offered to disarm … He armed and not disarmed.

The agreement signed by Trump and Kim after their summit in Singapore said that Kim" reaffirmed his commitment firm and unwavering to complete the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula "and that his country would engage in North Korea analyzed satellite images last week showing improvements in infrastructure around some nuclear facilities in Pyongyang , but the authors cautioned that this work should not be considered to have anything to do with North Korea.

"It can be expected that the North's nuclear until Pyongyang issued specific orders, "he added.

[19659014] The White House National Security Advisor, John Bolton, told CBS News on Sunday e that the United States had a plan to dismantle the weapons of mass destruction and ballooning of North Korea. Pyongyang needs to reveal all the undeclared weapon sites to go forward.

"There is no one involved in this discussion with North Korea in the administration that is overloaded with naivety.We have seen how the North Koreans have behaved before," said Bolton .

"The President has been very clear, he is not going to make any mistakes in previous administrations, we will continue and we will see what happens."

Bolton declined to comment on an article appeared in the Washington Post Saturday that US intelligence agencies have concluded that North Korea does not intend to completely abandon its nuclear stockpiles, preparing to deceive the United States over the number Nuclear warheads in their arsenal and the existence of undisclosed facilities used to make fissile material.
US leaders led by Ambassador Sung Kim, secretary of the USSR. State Mike Pompeo, met Pyongyang with their North Korean counterparts on Sunday in the demilitarized zone that divides North Korea and South Korea, the first meeting since the Singapore summit.
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