North West Takes a ride on Dad Kanye's Shoulders


North West is traveling in style.

West Kanye and Kim Kardashian West's 5-year-old daughter got a lift on her dad's shoulders during the famous family's trip to Uganda on Sunday.

In a Twitter video, which the rapper, 41, captioned "Running with North," West asks, "North, do you want to wear those glasses?" before putting the shades on himself. After a photographer tries to get a smile from North, West turns the camera to selfie mode, showing his daughter perched above him.

"Where do you want to go?" West asks North, who wears bright orange draws. He then takes off running, offering a peek at the landscape around him.

West and his wife, 37, arrived at Uganda's Entebbe International Airport on Friday and later checked into a local lodge with North.

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Kanye West and North West

Kanye West and North West

Kim Kardashian / Twitter

West's father-daughter video comes back after he backtracked on his plane to avoid social media.

On Oct. 5, West has cleared both his Twitter and Instagram accounts. A source told PEOPLE at the time, "Kanye got to the point where he realized his rants were becoming unhealthy. This is why he deleted his account. "

But in recent days, West has posted videos on Twitter, nine-minute live stream in which he discussed "mind control."

In the stream, West said, "You know, where do you think you're going to work?", Or if you post something that's positive on Instagram and it gets taken down if it's not part of a bigger agenda, you know, that's like mind control. That's the echo chamber. That's trying to control you, and that's the poison that's happening with social media. "

"I just got back my IQ scores, and they were mensa-level," he continued. "Straight up Sigmund Freud, Tesla vibes."

RELATED VIDEO: Kanye West Meets with President Trump in the Oval Office

West added, "When people try to tell me what to do, I feel like they're touching my brain. For a woman, she … wants to be in control of her body and choose who she wants to give it to. And no one can come up and touch it or take it or tell her what to do with it. It's up to her what she does with it. I feel like that with my mind. "

West's Twitter return to White House on Thursday. During the lengthy discussion in the Oval Office, the West said his mental health, his background for the Make America Great Against hat, Hillary Clinton and the Kardashians, along with other topics.

Donald Trump and Kanye West

Donald Trump and Kanye West

Oliver Contreras – Pool / Getty

West told Trump that he was "misdiagnosed." Commenting that he had a "98 percentile IQ test," said Westward that "I was not actually bipolar; I had sleep deprivation which can cause me 10 to 20 years from now when I would not even remember my son's name. "

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A source told PEOPLE that those close to West "are telling him that he needs to get back on his medication, that he's not doing well, that he's not making any sense."

"Now he's in the Oval Office, and he's doing the same thing, and that's going to validate his rants," the source noted.

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