Novichok & # 39; could have gone through the skin & # 39;


  Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley

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Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley became ill on Saturday in Amesbury, Wiltshire

A government scientist told BBC News that Novichok – the nerve agent who had poisoned a couple near Salisbury – was unlikely to have been left in the open air before the to touch.

The nerve agent was so toxic According to the police, the couple from Amesbury was exposed to the substance after handling a contaminated object.

Charlie Rowley, 45, and Dawn Sturgess, 44, remain seriously ill.

  • Amesbury Poisoning: What We Know Until Here

When addressing BBC correspondent Frank Gardner, the source said that Novichok could be degraded by rains and light of the sun – which means that she was discovered by the couple. 19659007] The source added that the symptoms of Mr. Rowley and Ms. Sturgess were the same as those shown by the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia

They were both poisoned with Novichok in Salisbury, in March.

The video shows Mrs. Sturgess at Salisbury a few days before her collapse

Ms. Sturgess is a mother of three who has connections to John Baker House, which provides supported housing.

A close friend of Mrs. Sturgess, who lived in the same building, described her as a "loving and caring person" and said – contrary to previous assertions – that she "n? has never done drugs.

Mark, Charlie Rowley's brother, told the BBC: "He's an adorable dude and he would do anything for you."

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Media legend Charlie Rowley's brother, Mark, describes how he discovered what had happened

What happened to them? at Muggleton Road in Amesbury – first at 11:00 BST after Mrs. Sturgess collapse.

Doctors returned a few hours later, after Mr Rowley also fell ill.

A friend of the couple, Sam Hobson, said after Sturgess was rushed to the hospital, he and Mr. Rowley went to a chemist in Amesbury to make an order before traveling to a nearby Baptist church.

Both men have returned to the apartment and have planned to visit the hospital. "started to feel real "hot and sweaty" and started "acting funny", Mr. Hobson, 29 years old.

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Media legend A friend of one of Amesbury's poisoning victims describes the symptoms which he witnessed

"He was swaying against the wall and his eyes were red, pinned, and he started to sweat and dribble, so I had to call him an ambulance," said M Hobson

Wiltshire Police initially thought that the pair had fallen ill after a contaminated batch of heroin or crack.

But after testing at the military research facility of Government in Porton Down, a major incident was declared and it was confirmed that the couple had been exposed to Novichok.

What Novichok?

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The nerve agent is highly toxic and can cross the skin

Novichok, which means "newcomer" in Russian, is a group of advanced neurotoxic agents developed by the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s.

The Nervous Agent may be in liquid form, but it is thought that it also exists as a solid that could be dispersed as an ultra-fine powder.

Some of the agents are considered "binary weapons", which means that the agent is stored as two less toxic chemicals that are easier to transport, handle and store.

  • What is Novichok's neurotoxic agents? the nervous agent blocks messages from the nerves to the muscles, causing convulsions, interrupted breathing, vomiting and, in most cases, death.

    In March, former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found in central Salisbury.

    They had been poisoned by Novichok, having been in contact with the poisonous substance at the door of their house.

    Yulia spent more than a month in the hospital before being released, while Sergei was spending more than two months. 19659007] The British government said that Mr Skripal, a former double agent imprisoned in Russia, was targeted and accused the Russian state of involvement. Russia denies the accusation.

    The pair is now in a safe place.


    Police do not believe that Mr. Rowley and Ms. Sturgess were victims of a targeted attack, but came into contact with the substance somewhere at Amesbury or elsewhere. Salisbury

    Interior Minister, Sajid Javid, said the "strong working hypothesis" was that the couple had come into contact with Novichok in a place that had not been cleaned up following the poisoning of the Skripal. that "about 100 detectives" of the Police Anti-Terrorism Network (CTPN) were working on the investigation.

    Five areas were cordoned off: Muggleton Road, Boots Pharmacy and Ambesbury Baptist Church; John Baker House and Queen Elizabeth Gardens in Salisbury

    What did the government say?

    million. Javid called on Russia to explain "exactly what happened," adding, "We will resist the actions that threaten our

    Interior Minister said that he was" to The "same nerve agent" had been used in the poisonings of Salisbury and Amesbury, but he added that it was unclear whether they belonged to the same entity. In response to Mr Javid's comments, Russia has declared that the British government is subjecting them to "hell."

    The spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova urged the police not to get carried away by the "dirty political game." I must excuse myself with Russia.

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