NRA opens social media war to doctors for firearms


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By Maggie Fox

A social media war erupted Thursday between doctors and the National Rifle Association. Twelve people were shot dead in a California nightclub and a few hours before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published new statistics showing an increase in firearm deaths in the country.

Doctors and medical officials have increasingly taken armed violence as a public health issue. Last month, the American College of Physicians issued new guidelines for physicians to protect patients from the dangers of firearms and published several reports on gun violence in its flagship publication, Annals of Internal Medicine.

"We need to interview our patients about firearms, advise them on the safe behavior of firearms, and take additional action in the event of imminent danger," said Dr. Garen Wintemute, of the Prevention Research Program. Violence at the University of California, Davis Medical Center. in an editorial of the magazine.

On Wednesday, the NRA challenged the ACP, which represents more than 150,000 internal medicine specialists. "Someone should tell the anti-gun doctors who are so important to stay in their lane," tweeted the group.

Doctors on Twitter have piled up.

"We are not anti-firearms; We are bulletproof in our patients, "said Dr. Esther Choo of the University of Health Sciences and State Sciences of Oregon in a tweet Thursday morning.

Dr. Joseph Sakran, director of general emergency surgery at Johns Hopkins Medicine, tweeted his dismay at the "declaration of division" of the firearms advocacy group.

"We take care of these patients every day. Where are you when I have to tell all those families that their loved one is dead? ", He wrote.

And the Annals of Internal Medicine, the influential journal of the CPA, tweeted the commitment of its 33,000 followers to talk about gun violence with their at-risk patients.

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