Nunes: Democrats and journalists will be "scared" by Decumpified Trump-Russia documents


  • House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Democrats and the media should be concerned about information that could be published about spying warrants.
  • Nunes has pushed President Donald Trump to downgrade part of the spying mandate.
  • Trump is expected to downgrade some of the documents next week.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said this week that Democrats and the media may be "scared" by information in Trump-Russia documents that Republicans are asking President Trump to downgrade .

Speaking at an event organized by the Center for Security Policy on Thursday, Nunes said Trump is about to downgrade portions of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) granted to former Trump campaign advisor, Carter Page.

On July 21, the Department of Justice released heavily redacted versions of four FISA terms granted against Page from October 2016 to June 2017. (RELATED: DOJ issues Carter Page FISA applications)

The unredacted portions showed that the FBI relied heavily on the notorious Steele file to obtain the warrants. Republicans accused the FBI of abusing the FISA process by citing the record while it was unverified and funded by the Democrats as part of a research project. opposition.

Prior to this release, Nunes and other Republicans from the House Intelligence panel sent a letter to Mr. Trump asking him to declassify and publish 21 pages of FISA's fourth and final term. (LINKS: This 21-page Carter FISA page should be downgraded, say Republicans in the house)

"During the Committee's investigation, we found irregularities in the process by which the DOJ and the FBI obtained information and requested and renewed a ten-year FISA warrant on the US citizen Carter Page".

Nunes, a close ally of Trump, said Democrats and media experts said after the initial FISA release, "the really bad things about the Trump campaign were buried in the redactions."

"And I said, you know what, you may be right. We should declassify everything, "said Nunes Thursday, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Nunes claimed that Trump's critics had strayed from this argument lest the rest of the FISA application harm the FBI and that the Trump campaign does not collaborate with the Russian government.

"And you know why? Because I think they're going to be scared by what you see, "said Nunes about Democrats and the press.

Nunes's comments echo remarks he made in an interview with Fox News on July 29th.

"We are absolutely convinced that once the Americans have seen these 20 pages, at least for those who will have a real report on this issue, they will be shocked by what is happening in this application," Nunes said. Maria Bartiromo. (RELATED: Nunes: Americans will be "shocked" by what happens in FISA Carter Page)

The Republicans also urge Trump to publish summaries of FBI-led interviews with Bruce Ohr, the Justice Department official whose wife worked for Fusion GPS, the company that commissioned the case.

Ohr was in contact with the author of the file, Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS. The FBI conducted at least 12 interviews with Ohr from November 2016 to May 2017, following his contacts with Steele and Simpson.

Congressional sources told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Trump was likely to downgrade FISA documents before publishing the Ohr reports.

Sources also claim that FISA's request will be damaging to the FBI both because of the information contained in the documents and the information left to them. Republicans have hinted that the FBI had not included the exculpatory information about Trump's associates in FISA applications.

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