Nunes: Russia should investigate documents before the election


Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin NunesDevin Gerald NunesGowdy: Intel House Panel to Publish All Transcripts of Russian House Probe Republicans Ask Trump to Declassify Carter Page Surveillance Documents (R-Calif.) Said Sunday that the transcripts and documents for witnesses of the investigation conducted by Russia on the group controlled by the GOP should be published before the mid-term elections.

"We believe that the depositions we have taken, I think about 70 people, these must be published and that they must be published, I think before the elections," said Nunes on "Fox News Sunday" .

"I intend to make this information available to our committee to the American public in the coming weeks," he added.

Nunes's comments arrive a few days after his colleague, Rep. Trey GowdyHarold (Trey) Watson GowdyGowdy: The Intel House panel is expected to release all transcripts of the Russian probe The Conservatives accuse McCarthy for Twitter of appearing before the favorable committee (R-S.C.) Called for the release of the documents Wednesday, thinking that he was silent about Gowdy's comments at that time.

"There is something that has not been published and which, in my opinion, would be of benefit to the public – and that would be all the transcripts of all [House Intelligence Committee] interviews, "Gowdy told The Hill on Wednesday.

"There is no impact on national security," he added. "There are no sources and methods out there."

Republican lawmakers 'calls echo House Democrats' repeated calls for documents to be made public. The GOP and Democratic legislators backed plans to publish transcripts before Republicans announced this spring that they would complete their investigation.

GOP lawmakers have questioned whether making transcripts of interviews public could impact on their ability to compel witnesses to testify in future investigations.

"The majority said they support these public statements," said Democrat MP Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) In March. "We will test if they really do."

Nunes added Sunday that "70 or 80%" of the depositions are already unclassified documents. For the rest of the classified interviews, Nunes said he would contact the national intelligence director. Dan CoatsDaniel (Dan) Ray CoatsThe Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Sponsored by Better Medicare Alliance – Cuomo wins and Manafort pleads case Hillicon Valley: North Korean IT firm hit by sanctions | Zuckerberg says Facebook is better prepared for midterms | Great victory for Europe's privacy activists | Bezos launches fund B to help children, homeless bipartite trio asks US intelligence to investigate, that he hopes to "take a few days".

When asked when he thought the president would downgrade the relevant documents, Nunes said that he thought Trump "had no choice".

"I think it's not a choice," Nunes said. "If the President wants the American people to understand how broad and invasive this investigation has been for many Americans and how unfair it has been, it has no choice but to downgrade."

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