Nutmeg people started eating 3.5 thousand years ago


The remains of the seeds of this fruit, archaeologists have found fragments of Neolithic settlement pottery on the island of Pulau ay. The results of the study presented in Asian Perspectives.

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For a long time, archaeologists have estimated that the island of Pulau AI has never been inhabited because of the lack of freshwater sources. However, in 2009, an international group of scientists after a study of Neolithic colonization proved that the island was inhabited by people who grew plants and raised animals. During the excavations, the experts managed to find many ancient artefacts.

In addition, the researchers studied household items and concluded that people with nutmeg had started eating in ancient times. Already 3.5 thousand years ago, the fruit of nutmeg, ground to the consistency of a powder and added to the food. During the research on ceramic items, experts found on the wreck of the ship the nutmeg seeds. Also discovered that ancient islanders have added a nut in pastries and even wine. The islanders used for cooking, even the red film of the nuts – it was dried to get the color of the mass and added to the products.




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