NUTRITION: Teach children to self-regulate Halloween treats


You might think this column is going to talk about how to limit candy during Halloween. However, I'm here to tell you the opposite. It is a parent's job to make sure their children are provided with a healthy diet. However, studies show that the most strictly controlled foods, especially "treats" like candy, the most desirable foods to become children. Children who are allowed to choose their own life are more likely to overeat it. When parents hyper-focus on limiting candy, it gives you the power to become an obsession for children. This obsession can give you a little bit of fun with the guilt and shame. Do not give candy the power. Food should never feel guilty or shameful.

This means that parents need to be healthy role models throughout the year. There are many other food-centric holidays that occur that children should participate in. As children grow older, they will need to learn how to navigate these and finally to self-regulate themselves. Talk about what it feels like to see and feel about their own body signals.

There are some techniques that can help the candy.

• Start Halloween day off right with breakfast; maybe a breakfast burrito with eggs and veggies or oatmeal with nuts and fruit. Then, also make sure to have a well-balanced meal before heading out for trick-or-treating. Heading out with a full tummy (for both kids and parents) can help limit excessive snacking.

• When out trick-or-treating, walk if able; do not drive. Seize the opportunity to get some physical activity.

• Put the main focus on non-food related activities. I mean, Halloween is all about the costumes, right? Host a contest costume, paint or carve pumpkins, decorate your house, or host a monster mash dance party. In these events, candy could be part of the celebration but it is not the reason for the celebration.

• When out trick-or-treating, do not carry large containers such as pillow cases. Have kids carry a smaller container that will be filled up more quickly.

• You do not have to hand out candy on Halloween, but be sure to keep it fun. Some non-food items could be bubbles, glow sticks or temporary tattoos. By handing out a non-food item, you will face less temptation with potential candy leftovers in your own house.

Keep in mind that you do not make your child's diet unhealthy. A healthy diet and overall health is defined over time. What we want to instill in our children and we are healthy living with healthy eating and having positive emotional relationship with food.

Brenda Schwerdt, RDN, LD, CNSC, is a clinical dietitian at St. Luke's Hospital. Contact her at [email protected].

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