NYCC 2018: Robert Kirkman Committee Recap


(Photo: Brandon Davis)

Robert Kirkman took the stage at the Hammerstein Ballroom Thursday afternoon at the New York Comic-Con.

Kirkman moderated the panel himself, answering questions from fans, but first, teases "probably the biggest bow of all time, there are things to come" with The Walking Dead comics . Kirkman said, "It's going to be cool, trust us."

Also, outcast, Last days, the last 12 numbers beginning December 19, 2018 with the number 37. "Kyle has the powers of lightning now," said Kirkman. "Who thought this would happen? It will be a great, heartbreaking epic finale."

"Answering definitively could mess up what I had planned for the end, so I'll say no.It's a deep bench for the Walking Dead show and we're all very unhappy with the loss. of Carl and the potential loss of Rick, and we are aware of it … we all still love all the other characters … there are a lot of great comics, these changes, while taking them away from the cartoon, they "You're not going to stop us from fitting elements of comics. You'll always have Whisperers and it's spectacular. "He promises a lot of moments" directly from the comics ".

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Kirkman is asked about the Invincible animated series directed to Amazon.

"It's awesome. Kirkman said, "It's going very well, unfortunately, it takes a bit of time, that's why we did not talk about the release date, so we did not really show anything. I really hope that we will make a big deployment to Comic Con next year … We bring some new elements in shape to a certain extent.It will be just a really great comic.Again, very mature.

When are they going to make Walking Dead children's books?

"No plans for now," Kirkman laughs. "Most parents would think it's a bit inappropriate but, having said that, I'm the best seller of all!" He then jokes about the baby dressed in Negan in the arms of the questioning fan.

A fan asks him questions about the cheese cake, he hates it and moves on to something else. The fan thanks him for creating The dead who walk universe.

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Regrets he killed one of the characters?

"I'm sorry I killed them all because I miss them," Kirkman said. "I would have liked to be able to tell more stories to Andrea, would have liked to tell more stories to Glenn, would have liked to tell more stories to Tyreese. I've really loved writing stories with Axel in the day … It's a lot easier to kill characters in comics than in the show because there's no human being attached to the character who can not go out with you anymore. "

"We really feel it, we are upset," Kirkman said of himself and The dead who walk the artist Charlie Adlard. "It concerns us just like the readers."

What character of Telltale would he add to the comic strip?

"Certainly not Clementine," said Kirkman. "All I'm going to say on Telltale 's forehead is simply to stay tuned in. Everyone is trying to make sure that Clementine' s story is told … For the moment, I'm not worried about having to tell the story in the form of comic book because I hope the story will be over. I may have said too much! "

Will he officiate a marriage?

"At New York?" he asks. "No, I can not do that, sorry … If it happened at home, maybe, but I do not propose that as a place, it's not worthy of a marriage." Congratulations."

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How involved is he in stories such as Andrew Lincoln leaving Rick out of his control?

"As for the series and things like the departure of Andrew Lincoln, fortunately, a lot of these things are handled by the showrunner of the series, who's now called Angela Kang," said Kirkman. "Scott Gimple is always very involved as content manager … So they work on this project and they consult me ​​and we talk about plans, but most of the time, I let them follow in. There are always sessions before they start writing each season and they say, "We will adapt this material, we will change it."

"I think the only thing that has really changed because of the series in the comics is that I sometimes hear the voices of the actors," Kirkman said. "Previously, it was voices in my head.It's sometimes just a little jerk where I write Rick and I hear Andrew Lincoln in my head … That's easy to keep the story just because it's so different. "

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Spinoff comic of The dead who walk?

"I did not do it just because it seems to me that comics do not necessarily do it.The comic book industry does not necessarily support the fallout in the same way that the Television industry, "said Kirkman. "I've always wanted to avoid that." "I made an Invincible fallout … I had the impression that the Invincible book was suffering because there seemed to be a whole universe of superheroes in a book, then two books! " He also likes the simplicity of following The Walking Dead books in their order without confusing fans who may be new to the series. "Besides, it's a lot of work and I do not want to work anymore!"

A fan likes how Fear changed. Why did Morgan go through?

"It was not" Oh, we have to restart that, "said Kirkman." At the same time, Morgan, it's not necessarily that, but Morgan in the comic is dead … This series At last seemed a little crowded and his story was heading for an exit … we had the opportunity to say "Wait a minute, let him go, what will happen?" he goes to this show and what does it mean? I do not remember if it was Andrew, Ian or Scott who proposed the time jump. "

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Shall we know what happened to Heath?

"Yes, Corey Hawkins plays in The Rise, he's a fantastic actor, he's been busy at the show, he's been busy, we're hoping to bring him back and tell his story. just hope the schedules go online … we'll end up showing his skeleton if he has to, I'm kidding! "

Invincible update of the film?

"Things are going well and you'll hear things soon, I think," said Kirkman. "Things are going very well, I'm in constant contact with Seth and Evan … They are doing an amazing job and hope to be able to share this work with you soon, it's going to be bloody!"

When will the fourth book be published?

"The Compendium is the worst thing that has happened to me and it's like four years of Walking Dead were in one book, and the next week people would say," When will the next Compendium be published? ? "Kirkman said. "We are getting closer, Compendium 4 will be coming out in October of next year."

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Kirkman will appear on The dead who walk TV show?

"I auditioned for Negan!" Kirkman joked. "No, the cameos are like a pet peeve because I'm watching Lord of the Rings movies and I have to see Peter Jackson's silly face, I know you made this movie, every time Stan Lee appears in a movie Marvel, I'm like, "He still …" He loves it, he won.Every time Joe Russo appears in these movies, I say to myself "Joe Russo! Damn it! "… Whatever the case may be, zombies, it sucks to be in a makeup chair, you're covered with latex, it's hot … all your face will smell like a Halloween store. "

"I will never do it," Kirkman said.

Who else can lead The dead who walk?

"We have tons of great directors," Kirkman said. "I'd love to have Quentin Tarantino for an episode, it'll never happen."

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Will it reprint a single number of Incinvible?

"All of this is a possibility," said Kirkman. "If Invincible suddenly explodes, I'm sure I'll be a hardcover line … or something really cool … maybe I'll be able to get to number 150 in a way or a way. another."

Will there be more TWD reissued questions in color?

"It's quite possible, there are no plans for the moment," Kirkman said. "It is very likely that we will eventually make some sort of colorful problem."

Original stories for other characters like Glenn or other dead characters?

"We've talked about it a bit," Kirkman said. "It would be really great to see these characters coming back in. If it was something we were doing, I certainly could not say anything at the moment, but there are not any projects going on yet."

"If you're intrigued, it's possible that some things will be revealed and that you'll be listening to it." Skip the time "Make things exciting, make the story more unique, make storytelling easier and make it happen. so that the deadlines come together for Morgan … he just facilitated a small departure. "

Why has Alicia's character been downgraded?

"I do not agree with that," said Kirkman. "If you want more Alicia in your scenario, stay tuned for season five."

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Can he kill Daryl to make Boondock Saints 3?

"I do not care about Boondocks Saints. Just for that, I never kill him, "Kirkman said.

Does he have a plan for what will happen to Rick in the comics and does the TV series have an impact?

"It's hard to navigate," Kirkman said. "I know exactly how Rick Grimes dies in comics, it's possible that there are differences between the comics and the series." One of them is that death in the comic might happen in the next issue, could happen in ten years … I could change my mind. "

The dead who walk expansions?

"Scott [Gimple] I'm in permanent contact with him, telling him if he wants it or not, "" As for what it implies, I can not say anything, I'm not allowed! Talk about sharks! This involves talking sharks! Dogs spitting fire! It's good that Scott is there … we're going to do some cool stuff, I can not talk about it right now.

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