NYT: Mick Mulvaney says GOP candidates like Ted Cruz are not "nice enough", could lose


Mulvaney made his comments, according to the Times, at a meeting with party donors alongside Republican National Committee chairman Ronna McDaniel. The Times said that a person at the private event provided the newspaper with an audio recording of Mulvaney's remarks.

"There is a very real possibility of winning a race for the Senate in Florida and losing a race in Texas for the Senate, O.K." Mulvaney said, according to the Times. "I do not think it's likely, but it's a possibility – how friendly is a candidate?"

Cruz will face Democratic Rep. Beto O. Rourke in his bid for re-election in November and, in Florida, GOP Governor Rick Scott launches a challenge to overthrow Democratic Senator Bill Nelson. In August, a NBC News / Marist poll in Texas gave Cruz a slight lead, and another in Florida at Quinnipiac University this week showed the race was stalled.

Despite his remark about Cruz, Mulvaney was rather optimistic about his party's chances and described the Democratic effort as a "hate movement".

"They want you to think that there is a blue wave when there is none," Mulvaney said.

Mulvaney's remarks on Saturday came as the 2018 elections draw closer and the fight for congressional control begins to pick up. President Donald Trump and former President Barack Obama have both exchanged information on the election campaign in recent days, seeking to strengthen the mid-term efforts of their respective parties.

Mr. Mulvaney is both the head of Trump's Office of Management and Budget and the acting director of the Office of Consumer Financial Protection. Before joining the administration, Mulvaney was a Republican member of South Carolina.

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