Obama beats Trump for defeating his political enemies before the bombings


Former President Barack Obama has almost summoned President Donald Trump in a speech Friday, criticizing the latter – without using his name – for his reaction to the alleged bombardments of his political enemies this week.

Obama's comments, expressed during the Wisconsin Democrats' standoff ahead of next month's elections, have been followed by many critics saying Trump should be held accountable for his violent remarks. Trump has frequently targeted CNN, Hillary Clinton, Obama and others who have been sent at least a dozen packages containing what the authorities have described as homemade bombs.

"Whatever your political background, I hope you think it's wrong to hear people spend years, months defaming people, questioning their patriotism, to call enemies of the people, "said Obama. "And suddenly, you are concerned about civility. Please, please. "

"We do not need more timid elected officials who are disappointed by this bad behavior and who then


"We do not need more timid elected officials who say they are disappointed with this bad behavior, then do nothing and adhere to it," Obama said at a protest against the Wisconsin campaign.

His remarks echo Trump's remarks at a rally on Wednesday, when most bombing attempts were discovered. The president said the media "has the responsibility to give a civil tone and end the endless hostility and often negative and often false attacks and stories." The "mainstream media" is what causes the "anger we see today in our society" Trump tweeted the next day.

Obama has again appeared to be attacking Trump by calling politicians who are just words and who do nothing.

"We do not need timid elected officials who say they are disappointed by this bad behavior and then do nothing about it and just stick to it," he said. . "We need leaders who defend what is right, whatever their party."

Obama also used the speech to point out the hypocrisy of Republicans who ignored Trump's use of an unsecured mobile phone, which, according to White House sources, was revealed in New York Times earlier this week by Chinese and Russian spies. The GOP and Trump sued Hillary Clinton relentlessly for her use of a private mail server.

"They did not care about his e-mails … because if they did, they would be armed right away, while the Chinese listen to the President's iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart." Obama joked.

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