Obama delivers Mandela's address on values ​​in Trump's reprimand


Without speaking directly to his successor, President Donald Trump, Obama's speech in South Africa thwarted many Trump's policies, rallying people to keep Mandela's ideas alive, including democracy, diversity and a good education for all.

Obama began by describing the times of today as "strange and uncertain," adding that "every day the news cycle brings more titles that disturb and disturb."

We see much of the world is threatening to return to a more dangerous and brutal way of doing business, "said Obama

14,000 people gathered at a cricket stadium in Johannesburg for the speech, which was broadcast online

"Just by standing on the stage in tribute to Nelson Mandela, Obama delivers an eloquent reprimand to Trump," said John Stremlau, professor of international relations, at the Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, who described the propitious moment of commitments that defined Mandela's life in the United States and elsewhere.

"Yesterday, Trump and Putin stood together, now we see the opposing team: Obama and Mandela. "

This is Obama's first visit to Africa since he left office in early 2017. He stopped earlier this week in Kenya, where he visited the birthplace of his late father.The Peace Prize laureate, who was imprisoned for 27 years, continued his campaign against what appeared to be an insurmountable chance to end apartheid, the South Africa's hard system Mandela, who was released from prison in 1990 and became the first black president of South Africa four years later, died in 2013, leaving a powerful legacy of reconciliation and justice. diversity as well as resistance to inequality, economic and other.) 19659015] Obama avoided public comment on Trump, whose administration overthrew or attacked the notable achievements of his predecessor. United under Trump withdrew from the Paris climate agreement and the 3 9, Iran's nuclear deal trying to undermine the Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare".

Instead of commenting on politics, Obama's speech inspired broader themes. Mandela, whom the first black president of the United States saw as a mentor.

When Obama was an American senator, he was photographed with Mandela. After Obama became president he sent a copy of the photo to Mandela, who kept him in his office. Obama also wanted to visit Mandela's cell and eulogized Mandela's memorial service in 2013, claiming that the life of the South African leader had inspired him.

Many South Africans consider Obama a successor to Mandela and his support for racial equality in the United States and around the world.

Moses Moyo, a 32-year-old Uber driver, was among the thousands who were queuing up for Obama's speech. "I think he'll talk about how Mandela changed the system here in South Africa, how he ended apartheid and gave hope to the poor and encouraged the Education, "he said. Many people in South Africa are discouraged by corruption, he added, as the ruling African National Congress struggles to maintain the legacy that Mandela and others have created.


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