Obama denounces "demagogues" at a political rally in Ohio


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CLEVELAND – Former President Barack Obama on Thursday decried "demagogues that promise simple solutions to complicated problems" – an implicit but clear reprimand to his successor, President Donald Trump, who, Obama says, routinely violates political and political standards. threatens fundamental democratic institutions.

At a major protest on behalf of Richard Cordray, Ohio's Democratic nominee for governorship, Obama urged supporters to vote in the November 6 mid-term elections. "You must vote, that is why I am here". in a song of "Vote, vote, vote".

Obama never mentioned Trump directly, other than a passing reference to "the person at the White House". But the message was undeniable.

"None of this is normal," Obama said.

Obama said during his presidency, he "was confident that the American people wanted to hear the truth" – a Trump master stroke, whose penchant for hyperbolic and factual affirmations has been a persistent feature of his personality.

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