Obama Rally in Georgia: Obama Campaigns for Stacey Abrams in a Full-Fledged Governor's Run – Live Updates


Former President Barack Obama is in Georgia on Friday night to rally Democratic candidate for governorship, Stacey Abrams, stuck in a tight race against Republican Brian Kemp, closing a campaign day for Democrats .

Earlier Friday, Obama traveled to Florida to gather for Democratic Senator Bill Nelson and Gov. candidate Andrew Gillum, two days after President Trump visited the state to replace his Republican opponents. Like Mr. Trump, Obama is engaged in a last election campaign before the mid-term elections. He is campaigning against the agenda of Mr. Trump and the Republican candidates less than two years after his resignation departure from a historical norm in which former presidents tend to avoid openly criticizing their successors.

How to watch the Obama rally in Georgia:

  • What: Former President Barack Obama for Stacey Abrams
  • Or: Forbes Arena, Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia
  • When: November 2, 7:30 pm ET
  • How to watch: On CBSN, the player above

The Abrams campaign has attracted the support of celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, who solicited and rallied the candidate. Actor Michael B. Jordan knocked on the doors of Atlanta urging black voters to show up, and actor and comedian Will Ferrell also solicited the Abrams campaign.

Abrams is mainly focused on creating communities that generally do not show up in large numbers in mid-term elections, such as black voters and young people. If elected, Abrams would be the first black woman elected governor of the country. Obama rallies Abrams at Morehouse College, a historically black and widely respected college.

The race for the governorship of Georgia was provoked by claims of suppression of voters. As Georgian Secretary of State, Kemp oversees the electoral infrastructure, which according to Democrats is a conflict of interest. The Kemp office has suspended the processing of 53,000 registrations, 70% of which involve black Georgians. He has done so under the auspices of a 2017 law passed under his leadership, which requires an "exact match" between a registration form and government documents. If the voter registration form of a person differs from the government documents – even by a hyphen or a spelling mistake – his registration form is considered suspicious .

While Abrams claimed that Kemp was deliberately trying to suppress the votes of black Georgians, who generally vote for the Democratic Party, Kemp says the problems with the registration forms are due to the mediocre work of liberal groups such as the New Georgia Project founded by Abrams minority voters. However, 53,000 voters with pending applications can still vote on polling day if they present a photo ID at the polls.

On Sunday, President Trump rallies to Kemp. Vice President Mike Pence was surprised for Kemp on Thursday, and criticized the appeal of star star Abrams' campaign.

"I heard that Oprah was in town today," Pence said. "I am a bit fat too and I have a message, I have a message for all Liberal Hollywood friends of Stacey Abrams.This is not Hollywood.C & # 39; is Georgia. "

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