Obama remembers being expelled from Disneyland at a democratic rally in California


FOrmer President Barack Obama on Saturday inaugurated his first Democratic rally of the 2018 midterm election cycle in Anaheim, California, with an anecdote about his release from Disneyland.

"After [a Kool & the Gang] concert, because we were teenagers, you could always go out into the park, so we went into the gondolas, and I'm ashamed to say it – so close the young people's ears – but some smoked the gondolas " said Obama on his visit to Occidental College, before being transferred to Columbia University for his freshman year.

"It was cigarettes, people," Obama added to the audience's laughter.

But Obama said his group was intercepted by "two very great Disneyland policemen".

"They say," Sir, can you come with us? "And they escorted us out of Disneyland," he continued. "It's a true story, everyone … I've been chased out of the Magic Kingdom."

The speech, delivered at the Anaheim Convention Center to brag about the candidacy of seven Democrats hoping to take control of their congressional constituencies from Republican incumbents, was a slight pivot of his speech on Friday at the University of New York. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Obama did not mention President Trump on Saturday, instead calling on voters to "restore some sanity" in the November elections.

"The biggest threat to our democracy, I said yesterday: it's not an individual, it's not a super billionaire PAC – it's apathy , of indifference, "he told the crowd. "We are not doing what we are supposed to do."

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