Obama shares a story at Anaheim's rally about when he left Disneyland


Former president Barack Obama The California Democrats ignited at an Anaheim rally today, and it opened with a rather crazy anecdote about his departure from Disneyland.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Obama spoke of some election candidates and told the crowd in two months that they could help bring some "mental health" back into politics, but not before sharing a fun story with everyone.

He briefly talked about the first time he went to Disneyland when he was 11 – "I went to do all that is" Bare Necessity "and, you know, Small World, the Matterhorn, I mean, that's "Was the bomb" – before sharing the next time he went when he was a student.

The purpose of the trip at that time was to see Kool & the Gang happen, explained Obama, but then it happened:

"After the concert, because we were teenagers, you could always go out into the park, so we went into the gondolas. And I'm ashamed to say it, so close your ears, young people, but some smoked on the gondolas. No, no, they were cigarettes, people. Terrible thing At the time, I am a teenager, I am rebellious. As we enter, there are two very great Disneyland policemen. And they say, "Can you come with us?" And they escorted us out of Disneyland. It's a true story, everyone. I was chased from the Magic Kingdom. But what I remember, it was at the end, they said, "You're going to have to leave, sir, for breaking the rules of the Magic Kingdom, but you're welcome anytime." It was nice of them. "

You can look above, via CNN.

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