Obama takes aim at Trump, GOP in Georgia, urges voters there to 'be unafraid'


Moments after a federal judge denied Georgia election officials 'efforts to throw out midterm absent ballots with signatures not matching other records, to form President Barack Obama stood on stage with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and ripped into Republicans, especially President Donald Trump and Abrams' opponent Brian Kemp.

The rally at the historically black Morehouse College drew almost 7,000 people – including actor Chris Tucker and rapper 2 Chainz – into the echoey gymnasium, where energy for the train president, and the moment for Georgia Democrats, was substantial, according to organizers.



The character of our country is on the ballot.

Obama is sweeping across the country stumping for Democratic candidates and his presence in the Peach State Marks newfound confidence for Democrats in a traditionally red state. Polls indicate Abrams and Kemp are virtually tied.

"Georgia, be unafraid," he implored the African-American audience widely.

Kemp, Georgia's top election official, is a state of the art.

"You win the right to vote, folks are still trying to take it away," Obama exclaimed. "That's what they're doing in Georgia right now."

PHOTO: Former President Barack Obama speaks during a rally for Democratic candidate Gubernatorial Stacey Abrams, Friday, Nov. 2, 2018 at Morehouse College in Atlanta. AP
Former President Barack Obama speaks during a rally for Democratic candidate Gubernatorial Stacey Abrams, Friday, Nov. 2, 2018 at Morehouse College in Atlanta.

Kemp saying Abrams 'vote-turnout efforts' are something that they do not have to go through. which they absolutely can. "

Obama claimed Kemp's remark suggested contempt with voting rights, which the Republican has fervently denied.



Georgia, be unafraid.

The two-term president said Tuesday's midterms "may be the most important election of our lifetime."

"And that's saying something because of those elections were mine," he added.

He called Republican political actions and rhetoric to the country and encouraged his audience to vote Democrat up and down the nerd.

"The character of our country is on the ballot."

Laying out a vision for Georgia, Obama 's endorsed some pillars of Abrams' campaign promises, including expanding investment in public education, expanding Obamacare and investing in the state' s transportation infrastructure.

He goes on efforts in Washington, DC, to repel the Affordable Care Act and calls out Republican flip-flops on pre-existing conditions.

PHOTO: Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stracey Abrams watch as president President Barack Obama talks during a rally at Morehouse College Friday, Nov. 2, 2018, in Atlanta.AP
Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stracey Abrams watch as President President Barack Obama speaks during a rally at Morehouse College Friday, Nov. 2, 2018, in Atlanta.

Politics takes place at the United States, but Obama, without naming President Trump or congressional leaders, focused on inflammatory rhetoric and political string-pulling just prior to the midterms.

"The biggest threat to America? The biggest threat, is some impoverished refuges a thousand miles away?" he said referencing the "caravan" of migrants from Central American making their way through Mexico to the U.S. border.

"Now they're sending our brave troops. Who by the way, by the wall can not enforce laws on our natural soil. "

"The men and women of our military deserve better than that."

Before concluding, he moved on to the President's surprising, and false, claim that he can use the United States, a constitutional right for Americans.

House Speaker Paul Ryan strayed from President in an interview earlier this week, saying birthright citizenship can not be taken away via executive order.

Trump will be in Georgia on Sunday rallying for Brian Kemp.

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