Obama to Gary: "We need leaders who can defend what is right"


Former President Barack Obama said on Sunday that voters could not fear the fear tactics ahead of Tuesday's mid-term elections.

Obama told a crowd of more than 6,000 people at Gary's Genesis Center that scaring tactics often worked and that voters could sometimes be compared to Charlie Brown when Lucy was holding the ball for him, then to the remove trying to hit him.

"He always broke down," said Obama. "Do not be Charlie Brown with football.

"While they're trying to distract you with all that, they steal you blind," Obama said.

The former president rallied Sunday his support for Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., Who runs against Republican Mike Braun and Libertarian Lucy Brenton.

Obama said the Democratic Party is the party that will protect the interests of the people and that Tuesday's election is the most important of his life.

MORE COVERAGE: Lowell Rally: Holcomb says Braun is the partner Indiana needs in Washington »

Former President Barack Obama in Chicago for the rally of J.B. Pritzker, Kwame Raoul and other Democrats »

"I know politicians always say it, but this time it's really true," he said. "America is at a crossroads."

Health care for millions of people, a fair upheaval for working families and the character of the country are at stake, Obama said.

"We have already been at a crossroads. In the end, whenever America has made good decisions, "he said. "Sometimes it took longer than expected."

Republican leaders have tried to suppress health care, said Donnelly, but his vote saved him. Donnelly said management is now looking to cut Medicare and Medicaid, but Democrats and he wants to protect them.

If people do not like it, they have to vote, Donnelly said.

"It's a very tight election and every vote counts," he said. "Your vote is your voice."

The polls still indicate that it will be a tight race between Donnelly and Braun. According to an October poll by Fox News of registered voters, Donnelly led with 42% and Braun with 38%; A Marist College poll had Donnelly ahead with 47% and Braun with 45%.

Obama said: "Joe Donnelly and I have not always been in agreement, but Joe has always let me know where he is."

Hoosiers do not want a "yes" in Congress, said the former president.

"We need leaders who defend what is right, regardless of party positions," Obama said.

Andre Carson, Indianapolis representative, said Donnelly was attacked by Republicans.

"They are so scared of Joe Donnelly that they have brought President Trump three times in a week," he said.

Carson said this election was at stake.

In eight years, Obama has enabled people to access quality, affordable and quality health care, grow jobs and strengthen the reputation of the United States around the world, said Carson. Obama worked for children, veterans and the disabled, he added.

"Our Republican friends are destroying this legacy," said Carson.

Obama said that since he had left office, the Republicans had had two years of control in Washington.

"What did they do with that power?" Asked Obama.

Republicans have promised to tackle corruption in Washington, Obama said, but instead have "struck with enough charges to form a football team." They promised to support the "little guy" but announced a tax cut of $ 1,500 billion corporations.

"Do not boo. Vote, "said Obama.

Obama said during the tax cuts that they were not funding, and now want to take this money from Medicare and Medicaid.

"Do not boo. Vote, "he repeated.

"Joe Donnelly will not let that happen," Obama said. "But you have to vote on Tuesday for that to happen."

Representative Pete Visclosky, D-Gary, said people had to remember why they had to vote for Democrats. He said that high-paying jobs, quality health care, retirement security, workplace safety and the protection of a just and tolerant society.

"You can not govern if you do not win the elections," Visclosky said. "We must vote."

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