Obama: Trump is an unscrupulous liar: "Let me go there to refresh your memory" | Video


President Obama sadly denounces President Trump and the Republican Party for having "blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly, and shamelessly lied" during a campaign on Friday afternoon in Milwaukee, Wisconsin:

And, by the way, before you get too much criticism, we all do it now.


You know, when I talk to Michelle sometimes, I do not say to myself, "Oh, honey, man, did you see I was doing all the dishes?"


You know, and she says to herself "Ehhh, but it's the first time you've been doing it for a week." What did you do wrong?

And I said, "Well …"

We all do this to some extent, right? I mean that is human nature. But what we have never seen before, at least in our recent public life, is that politicians lie flagrantly, repeatedly, baldly, unscrupulously and shamelessly.


Do stuff. Call, down. Caller black, white. That's what your governor does with these commercials, just to invent things – what he says is just not true.

And, by the way, this is what Congressional Republicans are doing all over the country: on this preexisting condition. All over the world, they are broadcasting ads saying, "We are the ones who protect it".

This is not true.


The president said he would adopt a tax cut for the middle class before the next election. Congress is not even in session. He just invents.


He says, "I'm going to protect your pre-existing conditions," while his justice department is in court to try to cancel those protections. This is not spin, it 's not an exaggeration, it' s not trying to give a – positive glow on things, that 's lying.

And look, it would be a thing if it was the first time but – but they – they did it often. They just – and – and – and – accompanying the making of things, they then try to scare the devil – scare the devil of people before every election. It's always something a little different.

And then, all of a sudden, the elections come and the problem that scares you is suddenly gone, you never hear about it again.

All right, so let me just explain that to refresh your memory. In the mid-term of 2010, it was the government bureaucracy that was going to kill your grandmother. Remember? Death panels, just invented. But it was one thing.

In 2014, Ebola will kill us all. You remember it? In the last election, it was Hillary's e-mails. It's terrible. Hillary's e-mails – we were hearing e-mails everywhere. It's a national security crisis.

They did not care about e-mails. And you know how they know? Because, if they did, they would be in the arms now that the Chinese listen to the President's iPhone …


… that he leaves in his golf cart. It turns out that it was not the case – I guess it was not so important. They scared you about deficits. Now, the latest thing – they're convinced – they're trying to convince everyone to be afraid of a group of impoverished and malnourished refugees 1,000 miles away. OBAMA: It's – it's the most important thing in this election, not the health care, not – no, you know, whether people are able to retire or not. No, you know, do something to raise wages or rebuild our roads and bridges and get people back to work.

Suddenly it is this group of people; we do not even know where they are. They are there.
It's the biggest thing. And you know, as soon as the elections are over, everyone will say, "What happened? We were invaded, where did it go?" And you know what? It would be funny except that they do it every time, and all too often it works.

And everyone is panicked, and we have to stop cracking for that kind of thing. We are like Charlie Brown with football. You can not fall in love with this okie doke. Do not be deceived; do not be confused. Wisconsin, do not be afraid of this kind of fear because while they are distracting you with all this, they are stealing you blind.

They give tax breaks to billionaires. They do not want you to notice that. "Look, look, look, there." They sabotage your health care; "Wait, look, look." They let the big polluters rewrite our laws to keep our air and water clean; "Ignore that, look, look, there."

It's like a scam when a home seller tries to sell you a security system, while his friend sneaks in the back and takes everything you have at home. It's like "Home Alone", you do not remember this movie? Joe Pesci's mate, he tries to sneak into the dog's door. I guess you're too young for that.


But – but – but you know what? There is a more important point here. When words cease to mean anything, when people can invent everything, democracy does not work, society can not work.

If you can say something and that there are no consequences if it turns out that what you are saying is wrong, well, how are we going to have some kind of responsibility? And frankly, part of the problem is that we got used to that; we just expect people, for example, to just invent things. We are waiting for it.

Frankly, part of the problem is that a lot of the media right now are used to it and some of it just repeats the lies. I mean I promise you that Fox News will not tell you – what Republicans are saying about pre-existing conditions is not true.

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