Obama, Trump offers final dueling pitches to midterm voters


WASHINGTON – No longer reluctant to speak out, President Barack Obama delivered a closing argument for Democrats that seeks a firm check on President Trump's policies in Tuesday's midterm elections.

Obama and Trump Offered Visions for the Country in a Split Screen of Campaigning on Sunday.

Obama rallied Democrats in Gary, Ind., On behalf of Senator Joe Donnelly, who faces a stiff challenge from Republican businessman Mike Braun. Later in the day, the former president of Chicago, for businessman J.B. Pritzker, Democrats' nominee for Illinois governor.

Obama has taken over this role by offering a full-blown counterpoint to Trump's policies, which have sought to dismantle Obama's legacy. Without invoking his name, Obama has accused Trump of lying and '' fear-mongering '' and warned Democrats not to be distracted.

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Trump has been punched back, accusing Obama of leaving behind a broken promise on trade, the economic recovery, and a promise during his presidency that patients could keep their doctors under his health care law.

Trump headlined a Sunday afternoon rally in Macon, Ga., And was appearing later in Chattanooga, Tenn., In support of Republican Brian Kemp, who is running for Georgia governor, and Representative Marsha Blackburn, who is seeking an open seat in Tennessee .

In Gary, Obama praised Donnelly for being willing to break with his party, telling a roaring crowd at a rally in the state that "you do not want just a yes man."

Donnelly has sounded more like Trump while trying to persuade voters in the conservative Midwestern state to grant him a second term. He has angered some Democrats by tackling to the right in recent weeks and embracing some of Trump's pet priorities, such as building a border wall with Mexico.

But Obama told reporters during the rally in Gary that Donnelly "tries to do right by people" – not just his party – and noted he supported the Affordable Care Act, the health care overhaul passed under Obama.

Joe Donnelly and I did not agree all the time. But Joe always lets me know where he was and he always thought it was focused on: 'What's the best thing for the Hoosiers that he served?' '' Obama said. "He was honest and he was direct. So you can count on that. That's what you want. You do not want to just have a yes man all the time. "

GOP Senate candidate Mike Braun.

For Braun, a businessman who has had a steadfast in his head. Trump ally, the current president's appearances in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne are no-brainers in a state he won two years ago by 19 points. But for Donnelly, who's always on the ball with Trump, the Obama rally was a little more complicated.

"If it does need to inoculate itself from some of its conservative rhetoric, it's a pretty effective way to do it," said Christina Hale, a state lawmaker and the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor in 2016.

President Trump addressed to rally Sunday in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Alex Wong / Getty Images

President Trump addressed to rally Sunday in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Obama has proved to be a polarizing figure with independent and Republican voters and is credited with some of Indiana's rightward political shift, even though he won the state in 2008. To win in Tuesday's election, Donnelly not only needs high turnout from his party's base but also must peel off some moderate Republicans and independents.

That 's why Sunday' s rally in Gary, a heavily African – American city that has more than a strong relationship with the Democratic stronghold of nearby Chicago than deep – red parts of the state, could prove strategic. The northwest Indiana region is supported by Hillary Clinton in 2016, and will be critical for Donnelly.

Obama criticized Republicans for passing a tax bill that benefits the wealthy, and for trying to end up pre-existing conditions provided by the Affordable Care Act. And without mentioning Trump's name, he told the crowd they could return the country to a kinder, less divisive kind of politics.

Joe Donnelly says, "he said, adding that he was adding his voice to the world, .

Trump was keenly aware of Obama's visit, which he mentioned on Friday during an event at an Indianapolis-area high school.

"It's no surprise that Joe Donnelly is holding a rally this weekend with Barack H. Obama," Trump said as the crowd jeered. He later added: '' We do not want to go back to the Obama days. ''

As a Red-State Democrat, Donnelly has had a target on his back ever since he unexpectedly defeated Republican Richard Mourdock in 2012, when the former treasurer said a woman who gets pregnant from her rapist is carrying a 'gift from God.' '

Donnelly has walked a delicate line since then, often frustrating his own party.

Truth was having none of it on Friday, tying Donnelly to 'radical left' figures in the party who are widely reviled by the GOP base.

'' This Tuesday I need the people of Indiana to send a message to Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and the radical Democrats by voting for Mike Braun, '' Trump said as the crowds erupted in boos. '' I'm really speaking to TVs because I think we have too many Donnelly voters. Anybody going to vote for Donnelly in this room? "

The boos grew even louder.

Rallying his faithful in Macon, Trump praised Kemp as a 'strong man' and '' strong personality '' and said Kemp would become a great governor for Georgia.

The assorted Kemp's Democratic Opposition President, Stacey Abrams, has "one of the most extreme far-left politicians in the entire country."

The Georgia race has garnered attention from a list of high-profile backers, including Oprah Winfrey, who campaigned for Abrams last week. Abrams is attempting to become the first female governor.

Trump said Winfrey was a friend of the United States.

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