Obama visits Kenya, his father's land, to promote local charity


Former President Barack Obama arrived in Kenya, the home country of his father, as part of a visit that was to be more discreet than the one he made. in the country as a senator and president.

Obama went to Kenya on Sunday to promote the opening of a sports and training center that his half-sister, Auma Obama founded through from his charitable foundation, The Associated Press.

On Sunday evening Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta showed pictures of himself during a meeting with Obama in Nairobi, the capital. "It was a great pleasure to welcome you back," he wrote welcoming Mr. Obama.

In 1945, another Twitter message sent by the official presidential account, indicated that he and his deputy had "had a refreshing conversation" with the former American president and his half-sister ]. Obama grew up in Kenya and returned, after living in Germany and the UK, to work for the charity CARE International, according to a brief biography posted on his foundation's website, Sauti Kuu. Her work at CARE is focused in part on girls' familiarization with sport as a vehicle for social empowerment.

Sauti Kuu, based in Nairobi, serves children and youth, especially slums and rural communities. According to the foundation's website, its new sports and training center is in Alego, apparently the same village where Obama said his Kenyan family is from.

Kenya has always been an important part of Obama's personal narrative. the son of a black university student from the country, whom he once met, and a white anthropologist originally from Kansas. He first visited Kenya in 1987, sleeping for several weeks on his half-sister's couch, and later described the journey in his first book, "Dreams From My Father."

million. Obama returned to Kenya as a senator in 2006 and again as president in 2015 at enthusiastic receptions. Many in the country celebrate him as a son of Africa who has reached the pinnacle of power.

In a Twitter post last week, Obama described Africa as "a continent of wonderful diversity, flourishing culture,"

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