Obama was once escorted out of Disneyland for smoking


Barack Obama recalled the moment he was expelled from Disneyland as a teenager for smoking on the theme park gondolas after a Kool & The Gang concert.

Speaking in Anaheim, California, at a rally for Democratic congressional candidates, the former president joked that he was "ashamed" of his behavior.

"It was cigarettes, people. It's horrible … but at the time, I'm a teenager, I'm a rebel, "he said.

"As we enter, there are these two very great Disneyland police officers and they say," Sir, can you come with us? And they escorted us out of Disneyland … I was chased out of the magic realm.

Walt Disney Company President and CEO Robert Iger tweeted Saturday that Obama would always be welcome in the theme park "as long as he does not smoke!"

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