Obesity becomes the leading cause of cancer in women


Cancer Research UK estimates that by 2035, 23,000 Britons will suffer from cancers related to obesity, 2,000 fewer than the number of cases caused by smoking.

By 2043, obesity will become the most common cause of cancer in women if current trends continue, found the charity.

The difference between the two causes in men is greater because more British men smoke, with 17.7% of cancers in men caused by smoking compared with 5.2% by men. obesity. A similar change in the leading cause of cancer in men should therefore occur much later, the report says.

The charity analyzed cancer incidence data between 1979 and 2014 to establish projections and used the results as an appeal to national campaigns and legislation aimed at reducing the prevalence of cancer. 39; obesity.

"Obesity is a huge threat to public health right now, and it will only get worse if nothing is done," said Linda Bauld, cancer prevention expert at Cancer Research UK.

"The decline of smoking is a cause for celebration, showing how decades of efforts to raise awareness of health risks and aggressive political action – including taxation, tobacco suppression, and the prohibition of smoking. smoking in indoor public places – have paid off., "she added.

"Bold action" on obesity

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), more than a quarter of the UK population is obese and the country has the highest rates of obesity in Western Europe.

While the new study focuses on women, Charlotte Bevan, professor of cancer biology at Imperial College London, told CNN that trends are inevitable for both genders.

"As smoking rates decline in men, we will see the same trend in men and women – obesity becoming a more important killer than smoking," said Bevan.

The British health agency has put the country on a diet

"Many of the physical and chemical changes in the body brought about by obesity can promote cancer and can actually help some cancers to spread, such as prostate and breast cancer," added Bevan, who n & # 39; Was not involved in the report.

Alison Tedstone, head nutritionist at Public Health England, said the country had experienced a "dramatic change in smoking," but added, "A bold action is needed to fight obesity, the challenge of" 39, a generation. "

Earlier this year, the health organization urged the food industry to reduce the number of calories in common foods by 5%, which they say could prevent 35,000 premature deaths each year.

"It is alarming to see that obesity may soon become the leading preventable cause of cancer in women, but this is unfortunately not surprising," said Caroline Cerny of Obesity Health Alliance, a coalition of more 40 organizations and charities working to reduce obesity.

"Environmental factors such as advertising and the promotion of unhealthy foods and beverages contribute to this public health crisis," said Cerny.

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