Ocasio-Cortez compares the members of the caravan of migrants to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic deputy elected New York star, compared members of the caravan of migrants who clashed this weekend with US border agents to Jewish families fleeing Nazi Germany and 39, other targets of the genocide.

Ocasio-Cortez, who was elected to represent the 14th Congressional District of New York earlier this month, tweeted this weekend to support those trying to cross the US-Mexico border. She likened people fleeing violence in Central America to those who fled to Germany, Rwanda and Syria.

"Asking to be considered a refugee and asking for status is not a crime. It was not for Jewish families fleeing Germany. It was not for targeted families fleeing Rwanda. It was not for communities fleeing a war-torn Syria. And this is not the case for those fleeing violence in Central America, "tweeted Ocasio-Cortez late Sunday.

Over the weekend, hundreds of migrants from the Central America caravan crossed the border at the entrance port of San Ysidro, California.

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said some protesters "tried to enter the United States illegally through vehicle lanes going north and south to the port." from the entrance itself. These people were arrested and returned to Mexico. "

US border agents fired several shots of tear gas after migrants tried to enter various locations along the border and threw what appeared to be stones at US authorities.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a statement that some migrants "tried to violate the old fence infrastructure along the border and tried to harm CBP personnel by throwing projectiles at them.

"As I have always said, the DHS will not tolerate this kind of lawlessness and will not hesitate to close the entry points for reasons of security and public safety", said Nielsen. "We will also seek to prosecute as much as possible anyone who destroys federal property, endangers our front-line operators or violates the sovereignty of our country."

The Mexican Interior Ministry announced Sunday afternoon that it would immediately expel migrants who were trying to violate the border "violently." The Mexican government described Sunday's events as "provocative acts" that were "far from useful" to the goals of migrants.

President Trump announced here Monday that migrants who threatened to storm the United States would be sent back "to their country".

"Mexico should move the flag by waving migrants, many of whom are unscrupulous criminals, to their country," Trump said on Twitter. "Fly it, do it by bus, do it the way you want, but do NOT go back to the United States. We will close the border permanently if necessary. Congress, finance the MUR! Trump tweeted Monday morning.

The Trump administration has stated that asylum claims from members of a series of caravans from Central America should be processed outside the United States and that all persons entering illegally would be refused. A federal judge has at least temporarily ruled against the policy, but the administration has taken steps to toughen the border.

On Monday morning, about 50 migrants were arrested after crossing the border illegally. The exact number of apprehended people is expected to be released later on Monday, a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security told Fox News.

In Mexico, the Tijuana municipal government announced the arrest of more than three dozen migrants for disturbing the peace and other charges related to the attempted crossing.

Wilson, Greg Wilson, Greg Norman and Gregg Re contributed to this report.

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