Ocasio-Cortez: Democratic socialism is part of who I am, it's not all that I am.


New York Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Sunday that her self-identification as a democratic socialist "is part of who I am, it's not all that I am."

on NBC's "Meet the Press", while the public emphasized its endorsement by the democratic socialists of America, it won by creating a "broad coalition of people . "

She explained that, according to Her vision of democratic socialism, "in a modern, moral and wealthy society, no American should be too poor to live."

"For me, that means every American worker in this country should have access to dignified health care "This means that you should be able to send your children to school and the business school if they wish, and no one should feel precarious or unstable in their access to housing as o WATCH: Is the candidate in the House, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat or Democrat-Socialist candidate? @ Ocasio2018 : " It's part of what I am, it's not all that I am " #MTP #IfItsSunday pic.twitter.com/7eG0UPHaby

– Meet the Press ( @MeetThePress) July 1, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez describes herself as a "fighter" and says that she intends to go to battle for the communities she "tries to represent". I am a fighter, "said Ocasio-Cortez," I am always ready to fight, especially when you see what the GOP has done, I have the impression [the GOP is] to enlighten the country when it wants to fight, when they want to bandage and break the rules and extend the Constitution to its limits, they will do it, but when they are on the other side of the table, that is, & # 39; Whoa, decorum. & # 39; "

Ocasio -Cortez last week sent shockwaves through the Democratic Party with his defeat of Rep. Joseph Crowley (DN.Y.), the Democrat of the Fourth Rank House of Representatives who floated like a potential future of

His victory provoked a generalized conversation about the palatability of democratic socialism within the Democratic Party.Ocasio-Cortez has already campaigned for Sen. Bernie Sanders Bernard (Bernie) SandersDem legislator: ICE has become a "rogue agency" Abolish ICE becomes litmus test Warren Warren joins the calls to get rid of ICE MORE (I-Vt.), Which also identifies as a democratic socialist, at the time Presidential Election of 2016.

The Ocasio-Cortez platform includes progressive policies including the abolition of the Immigration and Refugee Agency. application All. "

Ocas io-Cortez is expected to win the congressional seat in November in the dark blue district.

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