Ocasio-Cortez: My proposals are not "pie in the sky"


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Congress candidate in New York

"We need to realize that these investments are better and that they are good for our future," said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a candidate for the New York Congress. | Patrick Semansky / AP Photo

New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday defended an ambitious list of political proposals, placing the various components of her Socialist Democratic program as long-term investments that would bear fruit for future generations of Americans.

"What we need to realize is that these investments are better and that they are good for our future," Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview on "The state of the art". Union "of CNN.

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"These are generational investments," she said. "These are not short-term dressings, but they are very deep decisions about who we want to be as a nation and how we want to act as the richest nation in the history of the world."

In June, Ocasio-Cortez sacked outgoing Congress President Joe Crowley and Speaker of the Democratic House Caucus for 10 positions in his Democratic primary in the Queens and Bronx districts. Since this amazing victory, former 28-year-old organizer Bernie Sanders has become the face of a wave of progressive candidates in 2018 to challenge long-time Democratic lawmakers for their seats. Some have won; others, like New Democratic governor of New York, Cynthia Nixon, have failed.

Pressed Sunday by Jake Tapper on how the US government would fund a federal job guarantee, "Medicare-for-All," a public tuition-free college and other programs that could cost about $ 40 billion of dollars over the next decade, Ocasio-Cortez insisted he was not blind to the "political realities" of implementing his platform.

"They do not always happen with the wave of the wand, but we can work for these things to happen," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"These systems are not just a pie in the sky. They are, many of them are accomplished by all the modern civilized democracies of the Western world, "she added.

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