October is optimal time to get a flu shot, experts say


October is the ideal time to get an influenza vaccine before the flu season, medical professional suggest.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging everyone 6 months and older to get influenza viruses caused by influenza viruses.

Last year was the worst of the year, the CDC said. The agency estimates more than 900,000 people were hospitalized and more than 80,000 people died in the United States.

In DuPage County, 167 people were admitted to hospital intensive care during the 2017-18 season, which was nearly 100 cases from the previous year. Most of those hospitalized were older adults.

Children also were vulnerable. During the 2017-18 flu season, 183 pediatric deaths were reported to the CDC; nine were in Illinois, almost double that of 2016-17 season.

Mary Anderson, Manager of Infection Prevention at Edward Hospital in Naperville, said the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend children and adults get vaccinated before the end of October.

She said it takes two weeks for the vaccine to become effective.

"Flu season can start in October. The earlier you get vaccinated better, "Anderson said.

For people who do not like shots, the nasal spray might be an option, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC said. These groups did not recommend the last two flu seasons because they were not effective against some strains of influenza, but this year the organizations support the nasal spray as an alternative to the shot. The spray has been approved for use in non-pregnant individuals, and those 2 to 49 years old.

"It's always good to have that conversation with your physician," Anderson said.

How bad the season is difficult to predict.

"We do not know what's coming," and when it will hit, Anderson said.

Last year's influenza outbreak may be a reason some groups are going on the offensive this year.

Naperville pharmacist Yasir Masood said in the past on the road to where he works to reach local businesses, schools, church groups, senior homes and other organizations to offer clinics so flowing clinics busy schedules to get a flu shot.

"This year's lot of businesses are reaching out to us," he said.

Masood said he's already set up clinics and is expected to increase.

"It's a very easy process; we set up everything, "he said.

People who can not stop at the drug and get a shot, which is the most insurance companies.

Masood said people coming into his stomach for vaccinations in August and early September. "It's been picking up in the month of October," he said.

In a half hour span afternoon Monday, four people arrived at the road book rental for a flu shot.

The risk of contracting influenza increases as the weather gets colder and people spend more time indoors in when coughing and sneezing can spread germs quickly, experts said.

"Masood said," Now is the best time to get a shot before going to Halloween.

The pharmacist noted 100 percent prevent a person from getting influenza. "If you've gotten the shot and get sick, the illness will not be as severe," he said.

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