Odell Beckham Jr. Giants has a passion for water


Odell Beckham Jr. caused a sensation in the Giants' loss to the Eagles on 11 October. He left the field with a time remaining in the second quarter and came back after the kickoff of the second half. New York was down 18 points at the time, so some speculated that the savvy receiver expressed dissatisfaction with his team's game plan. But after the match, Pat Shurmur, the coach of the Giants, said Beckham just needed intravenous fluids.

"Dehydrated again", Shurmur after the match, the "still" referring to the New York match against the Saints two weeks earlier, when Beckham also left the field early for an IV. "Some guys' bodies are dehydrating faster than others," he said. "So we must continue to look for ways to make sure it stays hydrated."

On Friday, however, we understood exactly why Beckham's body was dehydrating perhaps faster than others. You see, Beckham does not really believe in the best cure for dehydration – the good old H2O – because his stomach feels "melted".

"I've always been in the cramped," he told reporters. "I really do not like water. J & # 39; trying, [but] I really do not like it. You have that stomach feeling, as if everything is melted. I try to stay hydrated, but sometimes I have to get an IV. You have cramps in both calves, it is difficult to run and make cuts. If you are cramped and dehydrated, you are likely to experience something else. I therefore try to stay on top of my task. "

But wait! In a separate clip of the Giants' installation, Beckham is asked about the usual topics: his relationship with quarterback Eli Manning, how he feels about his team's 1-5 starts, and so on. Whatever, we've heard that before. But take a look at his favorite drink at 1:08.

Twist ending! It's clearly water.

It seems that Beckham is making a serious effort to consume a drink that he does not like and that he is therefore the ultimate player on the team or that he expresses himself on both sides of the mouth on the question of 'Hot water. about everything.

Be that as it may, Shurmur seems to prefer to speak of something other than the thought of his wide receiver on the water.

The mystery of Odell Beckham Jr. and his disgust / secret affection for the water will continue Monday night, when the Giants will visit the Falcons in a televised match nationwide.

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