Odell Beckham should be a bait for the giants


The minute Odell Beckham Jr. wrote the pen, he made a commitment that everything will come. All. The good, the bad and the little observable.

As soon as he agreed to take $ 95 million from John Mara's money, including $ 65 million guaranteed, Beckham became involved with the New York Giants and all the frustration with the franchise.

The Giants hit bottom, which was evident long before they dropped to 1-7 after their loss to the Washington Redskins on Sunday afternoon. The purge at The Meadowlands has not only begun last week with the transfer of ownership of cornerback Eli Apple and Damon "Snacks" Harrison, the team's best choice. The dismantling of the former giants began this off season, while only 17 players from 2017 were in early 2018.

These giants – with this formation, and this quarterback, behind this offensive line – have never been built to win now. They have barely been built to be serious contenders in a division of NFC East, led by the defending Super Bowl champions. It was clear to the league's football leaders, and it should have been so for Beckham – before he scored this five-year extension in August.

Odell Beckham was qualified Sunday against Washington, scoring eight passes for a gain of 136 yards. Still, the Giants have dropped to 1-7 this season. (Getty Images)

The question giants must answer as soon as possible: do you plan to rebuild the foundation of this football team on the shoulders of Beckham?

If the answer is anything other than a categorical "yes", make it a favor to everyone – Beckham and your fans – and get rid of it, cut the salary cap.

<p class = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Giants have another franchise player to play their future Saquon Barkley, the rookie, returns to New York with one last question to answer the next season: who will be their new quarter (as he can not be Eli Manning) if Beckham is not here? "Giants have another franchise player on which to play their future: rookie Saquon Barkley, the rookie, but construction around him leaves New York a last question to answer next offseason: who will be their new quarter (because it can not be Eli Manning) throw in if Beckham is not there?

If the Giants are smart, they will work tirelessly over the next 48 hours to free more players by Tuesday afternoon. Transaction deadline ET. And chances are Beckham will stay – if only for his exorbitant salary.

But unless both sides are invested, this marriage of reason is doomed. And given Beckham's explosive remarks to ESPN's Josina Anderson a few weeks ago, it's fair to question her desire to remain a giant.

He has publicly expressed his frustration with Manning and calls from the coach's players. But the high-priced recipient is well paid to live the weekly agony of this late reconstruction. When he signed this extension, Beckham basically agreed to be part of the team no matter what will happen this season.

If he wanted to be somewhere else than in New York, he should have said thank you, but not thanks to this contract offer, and focused on his own future – a future that would not have it. did not include Manning or an uncertain prospect of the Giants.

But if the Giants are not 100% sure they can win with him, they should never have agreed to give him so much money.

"That's where I am," Beckham said with a nod, when asked after the Giants' 20-13 defeat if he wanted to stay in New York.

Both parties entered this marriage union, for better or for worse, in sickness and despair. And months later, neither side is happy.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Hours before Beckham catches eight passes for 136 yards in another losing effort, and Manning would be sacked seven Jay Glazer of Fox Sports said the giants had received "some decent offers" for Beckham, but that they would "redouble efforts for the moment". "data-reactid =" 50 "> Few hours before Beckham catches eight passes for 136 yards in another losing effort, and Manning would be sacked seven Jay Glazer of Fox Sports said the Giants have received "some decent offers" for Beckham, but they will "poke the situation for now."

Negotiating Beckham would not be a shock, given that the Giants are in ruins and focused on reconstruction. In addition, it is an organization that launched a similar move in March with Jason Pierre-Paul, dealing with the Tampa Bay defensive end a year after signing for a contract of four years worth $ 62 million.

But if they get rid of Beckham, the Giants will be looking for $ 16 million in dead money from the $ 20 million Beckham signing. To move it, New York would need to create faster and more salary cap space.

This is not the first time that Beckham is mentioned as a possible commercial bait.

It was another tough day at the office of Eli Manning, who was sacked seven times on Sunday. (Getty Images)

"He was tossed off during the off season and I'm still here," said the star receiver, Sunday. "I do not think I'm going anywhere. This is where I am. All I want is to be the best I can be when I'm on [and] off the field. So, it's really hard to think about that, but that's what it is.

Game leaders like Beckham are rare. She is a world athlete, a receiver with two of the best hands the game has ever seen. This is the kind of generational talent that NFL teams often choose to build, a talent that could be associated with Barkley, another star in the making, for years to come.

Despite all this talent and all these breathtaking and one-handed takes, it's still unclear whether Beckham will participate in Mara's long-term plans, his general manager Dave Gettleman and his head coach Pat Shurmur . And that, in itself, says a lot.

If the Giants have internal doubts as to whether Beckham's positive is superior to the distractions on and off the field; if they are tired of reacting to Beckham's latest reviews or comments in the media; and if for some reason they can not find a decent offensive game plan with one of the best smugglers in the game, then they have only one choice.

Get as much as you can for him, the giants. And advance.

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