Official Top Trump: Florida Governor's Run is "Important for Cotton"


Secretary for Agriculture Sonny LostGeorge (Sonny) Ervin PerdueThe head of agriculture states that it is not planned to extend the help offsetting the tariffs to farmers. Trump is attacking California against the management of water and fires. describes the governorship race in Florida between Republican Ron DeSantisRonald Dion DeSantisGillum leaves the countryside after shooting Tallahassee. Do Florida voters want socialism? Gillum on Trump calls him thief: "If I steal something, it's the heart and the mind" and Democrat Andrew Gillum using the word "cotton pickin" at a DeSantis rally on Saturday.

"Public policy is important. Leadership matters, "Sonny Perdue, President TrumpDonald John TrumpCurbelo explains why he forgave a man who had tweeted a death threat Obama accuses Trump of being a "political coup" in border policy The voter registration in California reaches a peak without previous until mid-termThe highest manager of agriculture, said Politico at a rally organized to support DeSantis.

"And that's why this election is so important in the state of Florida. I hope you will not do anything, "continued Perdue.

Stephen Lawson, spokesperson for the DeSantis campaign, told the publication that the campaign was "happy" to have lost at the rally and said, "You will have to question Governor Perdue on one of his remarks. "

Lost uses the term several months after David Bossie was suspended from his contributor role in Fox News after using the same term while addressing a black guest on a show.

At an appearance in "Fox & Friends Weekend," Bossie had told the guest with whom he was engaged in a debate that he had gone out of his mind "cotton picker."

Bossie was suspended shortly after the incident and apologized.

Ed Henry, the Fox News host, also described this sentence as "deeply offensive and totally inappropriate"

Since the day after the primary elections in Florida, when DeSantis told Fox News that voters should not "bang" by voting for Gillum, the Republican campaign was tainted by accusations of racism.

DeSantis, who is white, later defended the comment, telling Fox News host Sean Hannity that he had "nothing to do with race".

"It has everything to do with the fact that we want Florida to keep going in the right direction to build our success or if we want to turn to left-wing socialist policies that will absolutely devastate our state," he said. he declares.

Gillum is ahead of DeSantis by 2.6 points on the average of recent surveys conducted by RealClearPolitics.

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