Officials: Two Others Infected with West Nile Virus in Suffolk County


Two other people in Suffolk were hospitalized this year after being infected with West Nile virus, the Suffolk County Health Department said on Tuesday.

A Huntington Town resident, at least 55 years old, is recovering from his home after being hospitalized at the end of August, while a resident of Smithtown Town, aged 39, is living at home. At least 55 years old, has recovered after going to the hospital last month.

So far this year, Suffolk has had three confirmed human cases. A resident of Babylon Town, whose infection was confirmed last month, remains hospitalized, county health officials said.

Nassau has had two cases this year, the two men from the city of Hempstead who are at least 60 years old and were hospitalized after being diagnosed in mid-August, said Mary Ellen Laurain, health county spokeswoman . They recover, she says.

People catch the virus from the bites of infected mosquitoes, which pick up West Nile by feeding on infected birds. Most people do not even know that they carry the virus, according to experts, because they do not get sick or have few symptoms.

This means that the number of confirmed cases in each county does not reflect the number of people infected with the virus, the authorities said.

"We only know the cases in which the patient requested treatment and we received laboratory confirmation of West Nile virus," said Dr James Tomarken, Suffolk's health commissioner. "There may be many more residents who have contracted West Nile virus, but we have never heard of it because they did not see a doctor or seek attention, but the lab tests were not ordered. "

Symptoms of the disease usually appear within two weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito, health officials said in Suffolk. About 20% of those infected will develop clinically significant symptoms, officials said.

Some victims have mild symptoms, including fever, body aches, rashes, and swollen lymph nodes. Severe symptoms include high fever, tremors, stiff neck, loss of vision, seizures, paralysis and disorientation, the experts said. The disease can be fatal.

Those most at risk of serious infections are those who are at least 55 years old, who suffer from chronic diseases or whose immune system is compromised.

Experts advise those most at risk to take precautions during the mosquito season, which runs from June 1 to November 1, health officials in Suffolk said. Precautions include use insect repellents containing DEET; spraying clothing with a repellent containing permethrin; avoid going out from dusk to dawn when most mosquitoes are active; wear long sleeves and long pants when night activity is unavoidable; and eliminate stagnant water from flower pots, clogged gutters, recycling bins, bird baths, toys, pool and spa covers. Experts advise consulting with health care providers before using an insect repellent in young children, health officials said in Suffolk.

Anyone with medical questions about West Nile virus can call the Suffolk Health Department at 631-854-0333. To report mosquito problems or stagnant puddles, call the count Vector Control Division, Public Works Department, 631-852-4270.

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