"Ohio is the center of the political universe and I love it there": Gothamist


deblaz09.jpeg "src =" http://gothamist.com/attachments/nyc_joffenhartz/deblaz09.jpeg "width =" 640 "height =" 427 "/> <br /> <i>    (Erik Pendzich / Shutterstock)</i></div>
<p> </span></p>
<p>A new batch of emails that Mayor Bill de Blasio desperately defeated to keep out of the public was quietly released Thursday, offering another vision of the mayor's daily affairs and his narrow circle of outside advisers .  </p>
<p>In case you are still not aware of the latest versions of the 4,245 pages, the e-mails relate to de Blasio's conversations with a group of lobbyists and trusted political consultants – a group he has recognized in a memorable way as agents of the city should not be subject to state disclosure laws. The New York Post and NY1 were successfully prosecuted for releasing emails, and a few weeks later, on the Friday afternoon before the Memorial Day weekend, the administration reluctantly released the first round of communications embarrassing. For the most part, they showed Blasio to his most vindictive, taking it to the media and to everyone who came across him. </p>
<p>Thursday morning, another time when New Yorkers were massively distracted, the city has released a stream of more important mails. In the midst of the banal coordination and clumsy maneuvers of restoration, the list of supposedly privileged discussions draws a familiar picture: a mayor frequently wronged whose contempt for journalists of the city is perhaps eclipsed only by his frustration with the governor of State. The man likes Ohio well anyway! </p>
<p>Below, four mailings of 14,420 pages of emails that the mayor did not want you to see. </p>
<p><strong>"Ohio is the center of the political universe and I love it there"</strong></p>
<p>If there is one thing that New Yorkers know deeply in their hearts, it is that Ohio is the center of the political universe and we like it there. low. So who could blame a newly elected New York mayor for seizing the first opportunity to flee this sleepy city? Not us, and certainly not his closest advisers.</p>
<p><span class=

ohiointrigue09.jpeg "src =" http://gothamist.com/attachments/nyc_joffenhartz/ohiointrigue09.jpeg "width =" 640 "height =" 219 "/> <br /> <i>    The Mayor was "intrigued" by an offer to speak in Ohio</i></div>
<p> </span></p>
<p>Yet, when Blasio received an invitation to the party five days after his inauguration, his initial response was lukewarm, warning nearby associates of his intention to remain "VERY modest, local and unfavorable to travel" in his first year . <em>On the other hand</em>The mayor of New York City continued, "Ohio is the center of the political universe and I like it a lot." ("There is probably" the great state of Ohio as a whole, since the invitation does not refer to a city). "From time to time, I want to project the progressive message at the national level to reinforce my progressive comrades," De Blasio said selflessly. "So that attracts me." </p>
<p><strong>When they go low, we go "NO"</strong></p>
<p>The thorny and appalling feud between the mayor of Blasio and Governor Cuomo is now well documented, as it fights for housing or public transport or occasional attacks of sharks. But the new emails highlighted what could be one of the first fault lines in their relationship with the mayor who asked the governor to publicly condemn Pat Lynch, president of the Patrol Charities Association, for attempting to prevent the mayor of the police. funeral?</p>
<p>Instead of supporting the mayor, Cuomo sided with Lynch in the dispute, praising his "good" police defense work while recalling their shared legacy in Queens. Blasio's slight angry, who promptly sent an indignant email to his staff and pseudo-collaborators: "From now on: the answer to all requests from the Cuomo administration is NO.The default position is NO. We will then decide if and when there should be yes. "</p>
<p>Of course, the tension between the two had been present from the beginning. At the beginning of the year, two months after the election of De Blasio, Cuomo mocked the mayor's "city tale" during an appearance at WNYC. In response, e-mails show that de Blasio has issued a warning to his closest advisers: "I will restrain myself but only up to a certain point."</p>
<p><strong>Again with the media "Totally Dick-ish" </strong></p>
<p>The Mayor's deep animosity towards the city press was the key element of the latest series of e-mails, in which he criticized the "pitiful" media and was seeking cuts to the Daily News (congratulations ?). His hypersensitivity to the negative coverage was also visible this time around. Responding to an article by Politico that recounts some of the challenges his administration faced in the first two months, Mr. de Blasio said: "Despite my desire to evolve and improve, I must note that this piece of Blake [Zeff] is totally dick-ish. "</p>
<p>"It feels like the game is simply rigged," he continued. "Can someone give me a roadmap here? Because I just do not understand … where is this magical thing we should be doing better ???"</p>
<p>In other emails, he referred to the "lazy reporting" of an MSN article and claimed that the New York Times had "not treated [him] with the respect of the previous mayors "after refusing an op-ed that he had written." The former advisor Peter Ragone responded that the room was probably not fair to the Times but withdrew Blasio of the thread, because I am I am not in the mood to fight … "</p>
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Once again, Ragone removes Blasio from the chain to propose this analysis: pic.twitter.com/bF10ZQlADI

– Jillian Jorgensen (@Jill_Jorgensen) September 27, 2018

Despite his seeming hatred towards almost all New York journalists, the mayor is no exception in occasionally throwing a scoop at his sworn enemies at the New York Post; E-mails show that Rosen's Rabbi Rabinowitz Berlin has urged the mayor's office to hurry up on the names of the celebrities who will attend the next press conference so he can launch it.

Leave Dante alone !!!

When de Blasio and his entourage do not criticize the critical coverage or do not actively attach to the disappearance of local media, their correspondence is mainly focused on preparing the mayor for various speeches. During his first year, a surprising amount of this labor force was destined for De Blasio's nocturnal appearances.

A scheduled shutdown after the inauguration of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, for example, has been behind dozens of emails, multiple preparation sessions and hours spent studying the performances of 39, other politicians. Condoleezza Rice gave a "light tone" and President Obama appeared "robotically," according to a document prepared by mayor's aides, which also reminds the mayor "to laugh jokes of Jon Stewart" pizza in case Jon Stewart provides one. " (He did.)

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